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Topics - R_Ball

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Tracking problem
« on: October 13, 2023, 09:47:31 AM »
Hello Everyone
Im trying to do a 3D carving roughly 26 x 26 to give to are fire department for all the work they have done with the forest fires this year
Started my rough passes with a 1/4" round over bit (brand new) taking about a 1/16th off at a time at a very conservative speed. It did the first pass fine from what I could see it came back to start the second pass when I paused the run brought the router back to my G55 point and I noticed the Y axis was dead on as was the Z but the x seemed to be off slightly.
So the next day I REF all and zeroed on my G55 and started the second pass it went fine for a hour then for some reason it just tracked 6" to the right and continued its run from there
As soon as I caught it I E stopped, hit Go to home in the pic you can see Y and Z seem fine but X is way off

Ive delt with coupler slippage earlier, my couplers are marked and i drilled a 1/16" hole opposite the tightening screw. then cut the drill bit and glued it in there as a pin. The motor side is keyed

So Im not sure just how to proceed. I cant image getting almost done and having this happen

Any and all help is greatly appreciated
Have a great day


General Mach Discussion / ref all home problem
« on: July 11, 2023, 09:23:51 AM »
Hey Guys
I'm looking for a little help. I'm pretty much finished building my 3 axis cnc router. I've got my steppers all set up properly I think, I'm sure there be some fine tuning once I start cutting. I'm having a hell of a time trying to get ref all and homing thing going. When I hit the ref all it starts with the y axis activates the switch and stops. I believe its suppose to bounce off it and start the next axis. So I have Mach3 USB and  2 limit switches on each axis, they are all connected to input #1 on the board. In ports and pins I have +,-,and home on all 3 axis enabled to port 3 and pin 1. So hit 1 and they all light up in Diagnostics but they work. Is this were my problem is? I'm wondering.
Also the zero buttons are not the same Y is red, X is red, Z green
I've come a long way, just seeing the motors move brings a smile to my face, cant wait to get it cutting
So thanks in advance any and all help would be greatly appreciated
Have a great day

Pages: 1