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Topics - CNCNewbie24

Pages: 1
Mach4 General Discussion / Spindle Works in Mach 3 but no go in Mach 4
« on: April 15, 2023, 12:40:54 PM »
Hey all,

Just finished building my CNC recently, started 10 years ago smh…but it’s done. Have the following:

ESS Ethernet SmoothStepper
Sunfar E550 VFD
4.5kW Spindle 18k 300hz

I got the spindle working in Mach 3 finally, turns off/on, RPM match, turns on/off with program no issues so far. Tried to port over to Mach 4 and cannot for the life of me figure out what the problem is. I can hear the relay turn in and the fan on the vfd start but spindle doesnt spin. I have 1-14 for PWM and 1-16 for FWD. I’ll post my pin/config shots from Mach 3 when I get home for review. Just wanted to get this on the board with some experienced eyes on it as soon as possible bc I’m at wits end.

Thank you!

Pages: 1