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Topics - erdem55

Pages: 1
FAQs / suddenly stop
« on: April 16, 2023, 01:00:58 PM »
Hi Guys,
I use  cnc lathe by uc100 adapter.
the Machine has   2.2kw  2930  rpm ac motor that is drived by siemens v20 mono phase inverter. Today , I use it for new part , but the current  go up  not lineer  that uc100  break to connection  with pc . Then pc wants to restart. Must The inverter be lineer current? Or  What can the Machine   be ?

FAQs / mach3 Lpt spindle setting
« on: March 20, 2023, 07:54:16 AM »
Hi guys,
I change from rnr to uc100, and
I need  mach3 lpt spindle setting knowledge.I has a problem that pwm output on off  is 9.7v .I press spindle on ,motor  turned full rpm.

Mach SDK plugin questions and answers. / Sdk or library for mach4
« on: March 17, 2023, 04:01:29 AM »
Hi  guys,
I am new in here. I want to design my mach 4 card, but I did not find mach 4 sdk.
I  found mach 3 for visiul studios 2003. is mach 3 sdk  same mach4 ?is not it?
Can you say mach 4 sdk file name ?

FAQs / How am I establish theading on mach3?
« on: March 01, 2023, 03:10:03 AM »
Hi Guys,
I am new in here .I want to establish threading on mach3, but I have problems .
I have been looking at sites for a month  .Nevertheless, I do not solve this problem.
I wonder if Can someone tell all of them for threading system?
I use rnr motion ,index pulser is njk 5002c hall affect sesor that is right I tested.
But ,Mach 3 screen index is not regularly working, why?

FAQs / Better card for mach 3 turn
« on: February 21, 2023, 01:19:01 PM »
Hi guys,
I am  new in here.I have used cnc lathe for  two months.My card is rnr motion (cheap red card).
I have a problem which is reading index signal  on same  time.Firstly  five pulse then  is true , but 6 ,7 .. signal are not equal time .Shortly, I do not see index clour changing on mach 3 screen.
Which am I use mach 3 card for mach3 turn?
I want to threading
 nice days

Pages: 1