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Topics - Oli81

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Hi there

I've got a really strange problem.  :o

While I was trying to solve the problem about losing X reference while tool change I figured out what the problem was or is.

As soon I start the spindle motor (servo motor), the X position changes about -2 mm, but only in Mach4 at the DRO not on the machine. And it changes the position in the work coordinates and also in the machine coordinates but at the machine itself, nothing happens no movement. So during a tool change the motor stops and no its clear why the X position is not the same after tool change but I’ve no idea what this could be.

I’ve made a video to show the problem.


Could anyone help me with this problem?



Hello all

I am only almost finished with my conversion of my Emco 8 as a CNC lathe and now still facing 2 problems where maybe some of you know a solution :)

Actually, everything works, even thread turning is going great.
I work with Mach4, ESS and Fusion 360.

Now for the first problem, although this is less of a problem, more weird.
In the G-code of Fusion 360 it always brings me N16 M0 (CHANGE TO T2 EIN REAR TOOL POST) before the tool change, for example t0101. Now M0 is a programme stop but actually it would be great to execute M5 instead of M0, that would also stop the spindle while toolchange which it does not do with M0. Of course I can adjust it manually in each G-code but it would be great if it does it right. If anyone here knows anything, I would appreciate feedback.

Then to my other problem. I have set up 4 tools in Mach4 with offsets in X and Z and that works great when I use each tool separately. So X0 is always exactly in the middle after I have referenced the X axis. The Z offset also fits and is correct for the tool change. The only thing that always goes wrong is that the X values are lost after a tool change. For example, roughing, finishing with tool 2 then change to tool 3 threading tool. If I then move to X0 with tool 3, it is no longer exactly in the middle and always stops beforehand. So the control says X0 but is more like X1. But if I then make a reference run with the X-axis and then make X0 again, it is exactly right. Does anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong?



Mach4 General Discussion / Problem with Mach4 Turn newbee
« on: May 19, 2022, 09:55:13 AM »
Hello there

With the help of Sturat I found a PP for Mach4 and Fusion 360.

But I’ve no idea what is going wrong or what I’m doing wrong with this Mach4 turn.

Using Mach4 for all my mills but complete new in turning.

So I’ve just made a video here to show what my problem is.


If anybody can help me, that would be so great  ;D

You find the G-Code attached which I’m using in my Video and also my log file of this test.

If you need any other information, please let me know.

Working with Windows and ESS Smoothstepper

Cheers Oli

Mach4 General Discussion / Post processor Fusion 360 for Mach4 Turn
« on: May 19, 2022, 03:49:11 AM »
Hello There

Maybe someone can help me.

After converting my lathe to CNC with ESS and Mach4, I'm trying to find a post processor who runs reliably and is working with Fusion 360 and Mach4.

Found some articles online and some PP that are creating a G-Code from Fusion 360 and can be loaded in Mach4 but not one is working, instead of doing the job like in the simulation of Fusion 360, Mach4 do some strange things >:(

Anybody who knows a reliable PP for Mach4 and Fusion 360 or another way to bring my lathe G-Code from Fusion 360 to Mach4?

Lookging forward for your reply.


Hello all

I have read a lot about my problem and even if not all topics fit exactly to my problem, I have tried all possible solutions and also implement all procedures, unfortunately so far without success. I would not say that I am an expert but I have some years of experience with CNC milling and have built all my machines myself. 1 small milling machine 450x550x200mm travel, 5.5KW ATC spindle for steel and aluminium, large milling machine described below, CNC lathe conversion Emco Compact 8, CNC plasma cutter with water basin. Also don't want to brag here by any means, just want to share that I'm not completely new to the area.

About my problem:
It happens 95% of the time after a tool change, but it has also happened once in the middle of milling that the Y-axis loses the zero point and then continues from a different position and of course destroys the work piece so. It's always just the Y axis. X and Z are always correct. What I can say is that it doesn't happen slowly, it happens all at once but as I said actually always right after the toolchange. The machine runs cleanly through the first part, then toolchange and then the Y-axis is shifted, where and when exactly it happens I cannot say. It is also not about 1-2mm, mostly 25-30mm so very much. I first thought that it might be Mach4, that I did something wrong there (not long Mach4 2-3 Monte but even after I tried Mach3, the same problem. Since I am slowly very frustrated, I hope somebody here can give me a hint, what I can still check or where I may have a mistake. Worked the last 3 years with Mach3 and now Mach4 with all my machines never had a problem, or rather never a problem that the cause was not clear. But now with my newly built milling machine it is. However, same control and same wiring as all other machines.

What I would like to note and also seems a bit strange (guess this has a connection to my problem) to me is that recently, since 2-3 weeks, I have to enter half of the pulse/unit per motor when setting the motors on the Y-axis (2 motors), so that the axis runs at the same speed as X and Z. Thought first that was perhaps a peculiarity of Mach4 but then tried it with Mach3 and on other machines and also there I suddenly had to halve the steps of the Y-axis even I never changed something at that machine. As an example, on the 2 milling machines, 1605/2005 ballscrews with 1/16 steps have a pulse/unit of 640 default on X and Y and 800/640 (1604/1605 ballsrews) on the Z. Now I have to enter 320 on the Y and 640/800 on the others so that the axes run at the same speed. I don't know if anyone knows this problem, but if so I would be interested to know where this comes from.

About the hardware I am using:

New HP Desktop 600pro, I5 8Gen, 3.3Ghz, Win 10pro (configured as a pure milling computer, purely Windows and everything that is not necessary and disturbs turned off), 24Gbit Ram not connected to the Internet. Is also used only for milling nothing else. Is used for all machines, can simply be snapped to the desired machine and connected by Lankabel. (Since all machines have identical control)

For construction Fusion 360 with Mach4 postprocessor and Mach4 as control software.
Postprocessor has not been changed except that for toolchange  it also takes the offset of the G43 H... tool, since I work with offsets.

Hardware machine:
4 JMC CL stepper motors 3NM Nema24 (Y axis 2 motors master/slave coupled with toothed belt).
KSU 2005 on X Y and 1605 on Z, X and Y 25mm rails and carriage, preload medium and hard. Z axis 20mm rails and carriage preload medium.
3 Power supplies 24V for stepper motors (but I will change to 36Volt the week) 1 for X and Z, 1 for Y, and one for the BoB and rest.
ESS Smoothstepper with BoB from cnc technics.
Inductive switches for limit and home
Spindle at the machine 2.2KW Chinaspindle G-Penny
Standard suction system with 0.75 KW motor switched via relay
Centrifugal compressor 1.5 KW for vacuum chambers.
2.2KW FU with line filter spindle
1.5KW FU with line filter centrifugal compressor
All cables shielded and grounded.
Machine grounded.
Control cabinet from Hager all grounded.
Supply lines 2x16A fused, 1x for spindle and suction, 1x for power supplies.

Machine structure:
Portal milling machine travel X 1300mm Y 1200mm Z 110mm.
Built primarily for wood, plastic and simple aluminum machining.

Standing mass:
6 chambers vacuum system, control cabinet, frame aluminum, Y axis with motors and rails, suction system, pipe and switching system vacuum system +- 250kg.

Moving mass:
X and Z gantry, spindle, suction head +- 40Kg.

Here is what I have already tried / tested.

  • Mechanical test Y-axis, 2x disassembled and reassembled, gantry runs smoothly on the rails, can be pushed back and forth without KUS with the little finger without force over the entire length. With ball screws rotatable with 2 fingers, even if coupled with toothed belt and this is the same over the entire travel length.

  • Backlash of the Y-axis x-times repetitively checked and "still none", because new ball srews C5 and 2 ball screw nuts braced against each other (slightly no pressure).
  • Grounding of the machine, no matter where passage to PE.

  • Problem with coupling Y-axis with toothed belt as well as without toothed belt, both motors identical.

  • First PC 2 times new set up, then PC replaced by new with enough power and ram and also there with 2 operating systems tried, Windows 7 and Windows 10.

  • Mechanical strength of couplings motor/shafts and ball screws portal cheek.

  • G code of PP Mach3 and Mach4 nothing conspicuous. (Can't attach the code here where the error came yesterday unfortunately, but can post this tonight if needed).

  • Machine settings, tried various settings, error always the same. (Also here can post the settings of the machine, machine.ini tonight if necessary).

  • Also still to say, tried to readjust error, small test part 100x100mm, 5 times toolchange , since no problem does not lose the coordinates, only with larger machining operations that go longer.
  • Ballscrews and carriage, all completely disassembled, cleaned with isopropanol and lubricated with lithium soap grease.

  • Speed and acceleration motors tried different. However, I must say that would be more of a problem if there was a continuous slow displacement of the axis, please correct me if I am wrong. The speeds are always the same on the machines and so far no problem. Normal X Y max 4500mm/min 800m/s Velo. Z 4000mm/min velo 800m/s.

  • Still small things tried but without success.

I apologize for the long text, just wanted to try to describe that as accurately as possible so that it can be understood.

Do you have any idea how I could proceed and what I could still try, I would be very happy about help, so that the problem is finally gone and I can work normally again.

Many greetings


Hello all

I've got a problem and don't know how to fix it.

The problem, normally if you make a macro, for exp. m6.mcs, debug it and compile it with no errors, Mach4 should creat an .mcc file after startup the program.

So I've used a simple m6 macro to have an m6 option, I've use the one from the default Mach4Mill profile. So but if I startup Mach4 it says, could not load m6.mcc there is no file. So It creats all the time the lua.mcc file, even I delelt it but no other one.

I've try to make a simple "Messagebox" macro, named it m6 and still the same problem.

Are I'm doing something wrong or do I miss something?

Mach4 General Discussion / Mach4 newbie with questions
« on: March 09, 2022, 11:25:32 AM »
Hello all

After using Mach3 with ESS for a few years, I switched to Mach4 and I think Mach4 is great.

But Mach4 is not Mach3 :)

I set up the machine with all the switches and set the soft limits, so almost done :) Spindle is running and motors are set.

But there are 1-2 things I do not understand or I miss something.
Maybe you can help me.

On the subject of macros:
If I look in the folder profiles in the standard Mach4Mill profile has it there a few macros, including a basic M6 macro and also a file mccLua.mcc. Well, when I create a new profile, then start Mach, I have no macros in the profile folder.
Since I got an error message "Lua:Error occurred while openingfile" I copied the mccLua.mcc file into my folder in my profile.
After that the error message was gone.
I thought ok, then I also copy the two M6 files M6.mmc and M6.mcs into my folder and try to do the macro like in the Mach4 video here:
But now suddenly when I start Mach4 it deletes the mccLua.mcc file from my folder and I have the error message again.
So my question, do I have to copy the mccLua.mcc file to my folder when I create a new profile or does it get into my folder somehow else?

I also tried to create a new file in the editor and rewrite the M6 macro, after I debugged it and compile with F7 it does not create a M6.mcc file even after a reboot of Mach4 and when I start Mach4 it gives the error that Mach4 could not load the macro. How do I proceed so that I can create a macro and then in the end 2 files, for example M6.mcs and M6.mcc are in my folder and work?

Can anyone give me a hint here?

Cheers Oli

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Mach4 General Discussion / Some question and problems about Mach4
« on: March 06, 2022, 08:47:16 AM »
Hello together

My Name is Oli and I’m from Switzerland, so sorry for my gramma mistakes you can keep it :D

I’m new here in this forum but using Mach3 about 2 years and switched now to Mach4.

I’m using a ESS Smoothstepper with BOB, Clean Windows 7 64bit, 3axis router 1.5x1.5m with 4 JMC closed loop stepper motors (2 on Y axis).
I installed all limited switches for all axis and after I went true the manual of Wrap9 I managed to install the software and get the machine running. I have to say, I really like the option you have in Mach4, what I saw until now and looking forward to learn more.

But I have some questions and a problem I can’t solve, so maybe someone here could help me.

I wrote already a lot of forum posts about Mach4 but I was not finding for all question an answer.

First question is about the motor tuning:
First I was type in the values I already know about my motors and everything worked well on Z and X axis. But while jogging I saw that my Y axis is running twice as fast than the X and Z. I was a bit confused why. My solution was after the reduce the pulses per unit by half on Y and A (A slave motor) and then the problem was gone.
Is that the right solution? So my thinking was, cause I’ve 2 motors for the Y axis, Mach gives the double amount of pulses.

Second question, is it normal, that Mach4 lose after each restart the last machine coordinates?
In Mach3 I could shut down the system, come back next day and after restart the machine was in the same working and machine coordinates.

Then I got a problem with the probing section. I’ve watch the Video of the calibration of the probe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LvV6iC3zmY&t=197s but I can’t get it to work.
I’ve a 3D Touchprobe, Wireless and the Z Probe calibration works well but the XY and the circular one is confusing me. So to my setup, I’ve plugged the probe in (31) and checked at the diagnostic page that the probe is working, I’ve fill in the required data in the settings section like G code, slow measurement, set the probe in centre of my testing piece with a precision bore and I’ve set the Z point correct. After that I’ve zero all axis and was ready to start. But if I click on start (calibrate xy) the Z axis move straight down about 4 mm and stops. Then the message pop up “No contact with probe”. I’ve add a picture of the history. Can anybody help me with this? Need those probing sections for milling parts in more than one clamping.

If I forgot to send any additional information, please let me know.

Cheers Oli   8)

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