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Topics - dcarlson

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / One Computer - Two Machines
« on: June 30, 2007, 11:34:02 AM »
Per our discussion during the Workshop I have done the following: I have not yet installed data switch (port A - Port B)
1. Renamed the existing Mach directory to Mach3a
2. Downloaded new Mach 3 and activated it.
3. Set configuration pins and port in new Mach3.
4. Checked that could boot up Mach3a, closed it and boot Mach3. (have not tuned motors in new Mach3 so can identify which one is booted)

Here is the problem

Can only control the motors from the new Mach3. Mach3a inop.
Obviously I have not completed the transition properly. What is it?

Newfangled Solutions Mach3 Wizards / cut gear and cut spline
« on: April 04, 2007, 03:30:01 PM »
I have been unable to generate any meaningful G-Code from either of these Wizards.
Perhaps I need some guidance.


Forum suggestions and report forum problems. / G-Code insertion
« on: June 23, 2006, 04:10:11 PM »
I create a G-Code in Vector and have a nice clean file. I then copy & paste into the G-Code folder in Mach3 and end up with the following:

  {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 N10 G00 X0. Y0. Z-1.\par
N20 G01 X-0.0719 Y0. Z-0.9934\par
N30 G01 X-0.1437 Y0. Z-0.9865\par
N40 G01 X-0.2154 Y0. Z-0.9788\par
N50 G01 X-0.2868 Y0. Z-0.9701\par   ....etc....

What is causing this?


Don Carlson

General Mach Discussion / New Installation Problem
« on: May 26, 2006, 08:03:12 PM »
My existing installation concists of: Sherline Mill using 1.8Deg per step motors driven from a XYLOTEX board operating in 1/8th step mode resulting in 32,000 steps per inch. CNCpro is the operating program on an old win 98 machine in DOS mode.

Have a Pentium 4, 2.53 Mhz Win XP Pro machine with Mach3 installed. Have only changed the Parallel port cable from the DOS machine to the Pentium.

Have set up the step/direction signals to Pins 2,3  4,5  and 6,7 for the x,y,z axis. and have followed the tutorial video.

The Pentium machine shows LPT-1 address as both 0378-037F and 0778--077F with no option for selecting either with
"Automatic Settings" checked. It is a Re-Furb machine with a Microsoft printer driver installed and no printer.

Problem is - I am unable to make the motors run.

What do you recon is the problem or my overxsight?


Don Carlson

Pages: 1