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Topics - Lotus23

Pages: 1
PoKeys / Lathe Spindle AC servo Mach3 pokeys
« on: December 30, 2021, 08:18:34 PM »
I have a Chinese 130ST-M07725 AC servo for a lathe spindle requiring step & Dir. So far I have had no luck in getting it to work, pokeys documentation seems a bit sketchy on this.
I assume I connect the servo drive to a motor port, but which one? Or do I set a generic digital output instead?
There doesn't seem to be any details for a spindle in the pulse engine window, just axis drives.
thanks in advance. 

PoKeys / NPN proximity sensors 24v supply & pokeys 57
« on: April 28, 2021, 07:29:57 PM »
My plan was to use those chinese NPN proximity sensors for homing.
However I now realise their output is beyond the 5V max on the pokeys board.
I'm using a 24V power supply.
Is there a solution to this, possibly a voltage divider using a couple of resistors?

Thanks Patrick

Pages: 1