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Topics - Jarbuckle

Pages: 1
Mach4 General Discussion / Motor Speed
« on: April 13, 2021, 10:24:33 PM »
Hello All,

I have a DYI CNC router that I built a couple of years ago.  I am running Mach 4 thru an ESS and a breakout board.  The x axis was belt driven by a NEMA 23 motor and a 1" pulley.  It worked fine like this but occasionally the belt would slip and ruin a project.  So, I upgraded to a ball screw on the x axis.  I knew I would have to recalibrate the motor and I was fairly sure I knew how.  Apparently not!  I calibrated the motor to move exactly 1" when told.  It takes 130350 steps per unit to do this.  The maximum I can get the motor to move is 15 inches per minute.  At 16 inches per minute it will accelerate, the motor will stop, then it will go again while decelerating.  It's weird.  While it is "paused" (I don't know how else to describe it) the mach screen shows that the motor is moving.  Mach believes it is.  I know the motor must turn a lot more with the ball screw than with the pulley to move the same distance.  Could this be an issue with the motor driver settings?  I have searched the forums and youtube for the answer but I haven't had any luck.  Does anyone have any advice?

Mach4 General Discussion / help with homing please
« on: December 31, 2020, 03:12:37 PM »
Due to my stupidity, I had to reload mach4 onto a new computer.  In the process of re-setting up the machine, I am trying to home the axis.  They will home just fine but when I do, Mach4 quits communicating with the ESS.  Any ideas on why this is happening?  And more importantly, how to fix it...  The machine will move just fine until i home it.  Oh, and I am not homing to switches yet.  I am homing in place.  I have disconnected all the switches.  I am not getting any errors. 

Pages: 1