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Topics - tdeagan

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Using two concurrent ports
« on: April 10, 2020, 02:51:24 PM »
I apologize if this is dealt with in another thread (and am happy to be directed there,) my search did not ID one.

I'm using Mach3 on Windows 10 with a Langmuir Crossfire Plasma CNC (w/ the CrossFire Mach3 USB Motion Controller Plugin.)  The Crossfire controller does not easily support limit or home switches.  I would like to build a small independent arduino system with a couple of limit/home switches and use it concurrently in Mach3 while also controlling the Crossfire.

Any chance that Mach3 is capable of using two ports, one for the step/dir CNC controls and another for limit/home switches?

thanks in advance,

Pages: 1