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Topics - Jennie Harris

Pages: 1
Mach4 General Discussion / Running Mach 4 ver.2 on Windows XP
« on: November 18, 2019, 10:03:22 AM »
Firstly "Hello" to All,

I am new to this forum with some knowledge on software, trying to get Mach 4 running on Windows XP.

PC - Dell Optiplex GX280 Pentium 4 Tower, 2G Ram, etc. specifiation checked against requirements for Mach 4.
Windows XP Professional.
Windows updates complete, as far as availibility allows, with SP3, on and loaded.
Mach 4, Download Successful!
vc-edit loaded.
At present no separate Graphics Card installed. Running on, on board Graphics, until I am sure Mach 4 will run!!

My problem is that having got over some of the missing ".dll" files, I am now left with another problem, which is, when I try to run Mach 4 from the the Start Button I get the following message "The procedure entry point InitializeCriticalSectionEx could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll"  I researched this message, and it apparently was not addressed until Windows Vista OS.

So could anyone help me sort this, as some of you say you are running Mach 4 on XP. -  HOW!!!! as in the write up it is stated it will run on Win XP

I'm trying to sort this out so that my husband can decide whether to invest in the registered version.

I do the IT, my husband's the engineer.

Many thanks in advanced, from a very stressed newcomer Jennie

Pages: 1