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Topics - Bearwen

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Forgotten so much
« on: June 26, 2011, 09:13:34 PM »
Hello All,
I had a CNC router a few years ago that ran on Mach 3. Well that machine was torn apart and the drives and what not put on the shelf for future use. I never got around to building the new machine until now and have fogotten a few things.
Here is my problem I have the motors and the gecko drives I have mach 3 and the design software. What I dont have is a good BOB and I know that I will want a auto tool chnager and for the system to self zero after tool change. So my question to you guys is how many in and out ports do you want / need on a BOB for all the extra stuff like auto zero and auto toll changes and any other neat toys you guys have come up with since I have been gone. Such as I remember something about using a joystick to manually move the mill this would be cool.

So again I ask you guys for all the neat extras like Auto toll changers how many extra in and out pins do you need on a BOB to be able to use all this stuff (I just need the extra pins for the extras not all the in, out, step, direction, limits, etc pins just the pins for the extra goodies).

Thanks and I look forward to throwing chips soon.

General Mach Discussion / Belt Drive Help
« on: October 20, 2007, 02:46:49 PM »
Hello All,
  I know some of you are running belt systems and I have a few questions first what are the formulas for figuring out speed and distance also I know in rack and pinion that you use pie on the gear etc but when I am looking at belt pullys they are giving me number of teeth so how do I fugure this stuff out such as there is a XL belt that has 120 teeth how do I figure out how long this belt is so I know what to order and what not this must seem dumb but just havent found any info as to where you learn this stuff? Also what kind of limitation is there with belts noise is not an issue for me so I have considered racks as I am building a new machine cut area 4'X4' and will build a second in near future that is 4'x8' and I wonder if this is to much for a belt drive thanks for all of your help.


General Mach Discussion / Post processor help
« on: October 12, 2007, 03:23:07 PM »
Hello All,
  Well I had a local company create a model and toolpath for me (as it was beyond my current design skills) and it requires 3 tool changes the problem is well when they went to export the toolpaths to disc Artcam Pro told them that the Mach post processor in Art Cam does not support tool changes so I have 3 different toolpaths that I have to run seperate I would like to know if anyone knows of a post processor that can handle tool changes and run in mach 3 I undestand I will have to change the file extension and that is fine I just need to know what post processors will run in mach 3 or quantum that can handle tool changes as I am working on an auto tool changer and would like to use it when I have other models creted by this company (price was not bad) thanks.


Pages: 1