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Topics - ChuckAustralia

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Machining relief problems
« on: July 26, 2019, 04:08:42 AM »
Hi guys,

I'm trying to machine a relief designed with Fusion 360 derived from a jpeg, what I'm finding is the tool continually goes deeper into the job, where it should be carving at a maximum of 3mm its cutting down to more like 17mm and not much of a profile to be seen.

I'm using a small Chinese cnc machine and I don't have any trouble engraving shapes and text.

I recently bought a mach1 license hoping that would make a difference but that only allowed more lines to be processed.

I don't know if its the CNC or mach3 settings at fault

I have attached what I think is the config xml, the Confcheck text and the item .tap file

Thanks for looking at this for me
Regards Chuck   

Pages: 1