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Topics - buildsomething

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / TB6560 - Mach3 and laser firing
« on: October 26, 2011, 09:56:48 AM »

A bit of background first.
I was able to aquire one of those 40W CO2 Chinese lasers using the Moshidraw boards.
I am not interested in engraving only cutting, therefore the purchase of a DSP controller was out of the question

The machine worked on all axis, laser fired, etc etc.

I then purchased a 3axis board from Lightobject under the impression and documentation that this board works and has the ability to fire the laser off the Z dir command.

I downloaded all and any documentation that I could find and was able to install and get everything working....except to fire the laser.
The card has separate output  and I was told to map pin 7 to that output and fire the laser from there.

I am wondering if anyone has had any similar experiences with this card. 

The motor outputs that I am using are as follows:
X axis : Step - 2  Dir - 3
Y Axis: Step 4 Dir -5
Z axis: Step 6 Dir - 7

I look forward to any help

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