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Topics - fishn fool

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Need help
« on: August 11, 2007, 10:20:12 PM »
I just purchased my mach 3 program and got a file to download and I can't get it to work the instructions that he sent me said "download the file to c drive copy the file to the mach 3 documents folder and restart mach 3 and it will work" I copied it and put it in the mach 3 folder and I still have the demo version what am I doing wrong?  I know very little about computers but his sounded simple enough that I should be able to get it going.

General Mach Discussion / newbie new problem
« on: July 29, 2007, 08:21:25 PM »
I just purchased a  cnc shark and v carve and I am using the mach 2 trial for now and can't seem to get the machine to do anything. the mach program has g code showing from a sample tutorial from v carve it's a border that has 27 lines of code. i know that this is vague but any help would be appericated. I have no cnc experience so this is all new to me.

General Mach Discussion / newbie help
« on: July 29, 2007, 03:28:14 AM »
I am trying the demo version of mach for the first time and seem to be having trouble. When i click on the short cut icon the computer restarts. I have deleted the mach and reinstalled it and the start up has nothing running. the os is windows 2000 professional.

Pages: 1