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Topics - JoeB

Pages: 1
FAQs / converting from lpt to usb
« on: September 17, 2018, 07:16:39 PM »
I searched the forum data base with no result, but apologizes if this topic has appeared before.

I have owned and run a small cnc for some time now using a lap-top (win7) and the LPT port for machine control, this lap top is too old to have a usb port. I have tuned the motors and set the pins and ports on the  machine which has worked well in the past, but PC problems have led me to buy a USB controller which begs a couple of simple questions.

When I build a system on a replacement PC I was thinking about transferring the Mach3 config file to save me the tuning and calibration process, now because I have to set the interface to USB (and not as it was LPT) how much of the old config file will be effective in the new config?

I realize all the extra things I can have with USB which a single LPT port could not facilitate will need to be configured, but my main concern is the motor tuning and machine calibration being carried across?

Has anyone gone through this process of converting a working and calibrated machine from LPT to USB.

Thanks for any advice

Pages: 1