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Topics - django013

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recently I worked on new mach4 Screensets. I want to use a monitor in portrait mode, as it wastes less space ...

I created the screen set in a win7-VM on my linux desktop. In edit mode mach4 works fine in VM. Outside edit mode toolpath area stays on top of all, even if you switch notebook to a page without toolpath ...
Picture Mach4_VM_01.png shows the actual result (which looks quite nice to me).
As I could not manage font handling of static texts, I used bitmaps instead of static texts.

Then I took the screen file to a box running native win7, where my screen set looks really weird.
Main menubar is displayed twice (now parts of titlebar are shown twice) and many sizes/positions and font-sizes don't match.
Picture Mach4-OWin_01.jpg shows a screenshot.

Then I switched to mach4 into fullscreen mode (Mach4-OWin_02.jpg). Now the whole screen is wrong sized.

My intention for this screen set was, to create a screen, that can be managed without mouse - and for those I tried to avoid child windows, popups and the like.
I was able to reimplement tooltable and fixtures list as notebook page, but I did not find a way to do inplace editing of loaded gcode file (yet).

I would be very happy, if someone can guide me to a way to inhibit automatic zooming or even automatic font size changes.

Cheers Reinhard

P.S. both win7 installations are the same and mach4 is build 4199

Mach4 General Discussion / ChangeLog.txt - Thank you!
« on: January 12, 2019, 03:18:07 AM »

I just want to say "Thank you" for taking the time to update ChangeLog.txt
This file is the only way, that we can track that someone is working on mach4 and what's going on.
Latest chunk shows some very interesting work. Very nice in deed :)

Cheers Reinhard

Mach4 General Discussion / mach4 installer resets grafikcard settings
« on: November 05, 2018, 01:44:12 AM »

last days I worked on optimizing setup of my windows box.
Normally I work on linux, where I have two monitors in portrait orientation - which works fine so far.
My windows box has the same grafik card and as I have a dual view switcher, I installed the driver of the grafik card and set it up to use both monitors with turned sizes.
Works fine so far and setup is stable between multiple reboots.

Then I installed mach4 and after next reboot, the grafik card settings have been reset.
I tought: ok, may be a quirk - and changed the grafik card settings to my need again.
But after starting mach4 I had to realize, that mach4 does not respect the desktop size. There's no way to resize app window beyond the limits of a single monitor. I can move mach4 between the monitors, but it always jumps to max limits of a single monitor.

To proove, that its not a windows malfunction, I checked the same with another 3rd party software - lego mindstorm.
That app is able to resize to both monitors as well as to a size occupying parts of both monitors.

Cheers Reinhard

Mach4 General Discussion / crash on starting edit mode
« on: January 17, 2018, 08:25:00 AM »

I haven't run m4 for long time. As I noticed a new release, I thought give it a try ...
First problem was an unfinished lua panel - wich I removed completely.

Now m4 starts without errors, but as soon as I enter screen edit mode, it crashes.
I have several crash reports, but I don't see any hint, where I should look for an error.

best regards


Mach4 General Discussion / replacement for mcLuaPanelParent ?
« on: June 02, 2017, 12:35:00 AM »

I start the lua panels with createUI(mcLuaPanelParent) after loading the panel code.
That works fine for runtime, but is of no help in debug sessions, as in debug mode mcLuaPanelParent is not existant.

In the samples they create a dialog frame in case mcLuaPanelParent is null, but I think, that is not apropriate.
In mach4 a luaPanel will most likely have no frame as parent, but another wxControl ...
So what could be used in screen-designer-debug-mode?

Inside createUI mcLuaPanelParent is used like this (as parameter called panel):
Code: [Select]
local window = panel:GetParent()
local wsize = window:GetSize()



as I found out, at control creation time mcLuaPanelParent has no size, so the startup code does not lead to the desired size.
So a resize handler has to be established.

Mach4 General Discussion / new control behaviour since 3400
« on: June 01, 2017, 12:10:03 AM »

the much I like the idea of every control having its own ttf property, the less I like the current behaviour.
All controls have an 8pt Arial as default - without respecting the former font sizes/defaults.

Picture Fontsizes_00 is from before 3400 - picture fontsizes_01 after doing a small change and saving the screen with 3402 (was the same with 3400).

That change imports a huge amount of unneccessary changes to the screen designers :(

Mach4 General Discussion / mcRegGetValue returns unexpected value
« on: May 30, 2017, 09:01:23 AM »

I'm trying to work with registers. First I only want to read from registers and display that values ...
The register file configuration shows the defined registers with their values.
The screenshot from debugger shows, what mcRegGetValue read from register.

probe has value of 2, so expected value is 12, but retrieved register value is shown in the flyover help as 0.033

I already searched for typos, but can't find them. What am I doing wrong?

Mach4 General Discussion / lua panel and modules
« on: May 28, 2017, 01:43:44 AM »

I created a lua panel which works so far. I put the creation of controls in a function, which gets called from lua panel script.
Now I tried to move that function into a lua module - and that fails.
I then thought, that the problem might be related to variable namespaces and extracted all control-variables to global namespace ...
.. but that didn't solve the problem.

As soon as I place the function in a module, only the placeholder for the lua panel gets painted.

Is it possible to populate a lua-panel from a module and if so, what rules do I have to obey?

Mach4 General Discussion / understanding Jog and signals?
« on: May 27, 2017, 09:33:25 AM »

I try to synchronize on-screen buttons and external switches (not mpg) for jogging purpose.
Therefore I tried to watch signals during jogging - but I could not see any signal changes.

I placed a LED on the screen and attached it to input-sigal "jogX+".
I have an on-screen button with down-action "jogX+" and up-action "stop X-jogging", which works as expected: the x-coordinate increments as long as I press the button.
I have another on-screen button with down-script that executes mcJogIncStart(...) and up-script that executes mcJogIncStop(...). That button does not work as expected. The increment-interval is applied only once - no matter how long I press the button.

But worse for synchronization matter, the signal "jogX+" does not reflect the state of jogging, when using on-screen buttons.

So if I want to use a switch attached to "jogX+", how can I get the same action (as the button with up/down-actions), no matter whether I touch the onscreen button or the external switch?
Is there a signal (I thried the most obvious ones, but did not see any changes) that reflects the jogging state of motion control?

Mach4 General Discussion / access images from screen-file
« on: May 25, 2017, 03:48:03 AM »

is it possible to access the images from screen-file from lua-code attached to some widget?

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