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Topics - Zeeflyboy

Pages: 1
PoKeys / Pokeys57CNC, Mach4 and fusion probing - does it work?
« on: March 06, 2017, 01:51:40 PM »
Hey guys,

So simple question before I go and break a probe - has anyone tried the built in fusion probing stuff and does it work with the 57CNC and mach4?


Oh and as an aside bonus question: If anyone can answer this for me that'd be cool - I currently have an NC touch probe connected to the probe port... I use this for setting X/Y but as I don't have indexed tools I'm then a bit stuffed for Z. Is there anyway to also use a NO electric touch plate type setup to set Z-height of the actual tool without using the same port and having to reverse the switch logic each time?

Pages: 1