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Topics - Schnitzl

Pages: 1
Mach3 under Vista / Taig CNC loud/not smooth steppers
« on: November 05, 2016, 12:20:45 AM »
new to the forum, my name is Michael and I am new to CNC

this is my first CNC a Taig mill.
running microproto taig control box and steppers.
I am running pokeys usb to parallel to connect to my windows 7 professional desktop (I will confirm windows 7)

at 100 and 95% jog the steppers sound smooth, when I lower the jog they start sounding grindy and angry.  not a consistent sound either but the motion looks consistent.
just recently I noticed the z stalling while jogging up.
the steppers are at about 105F for temp.

perhaps this is all just normal?

anymore information to help solve this I can provide, I am just unsure what might be needed.

Pages: 1