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Topics - Graphicman

Pages: 1
Hello guys

I have just installed a 4th axis to my cnc machine

I noticed a very weird behavior with Mach3 that took me a while to figure out where it come from

I simply noticed that I can no longer see that white point/small line of the tool position on the path preview window!

I have not touched any general settings I used to have, just the necessary setting for the new A axis

After some investigation that even included a new installation I found out the the A axis must be on zero position not only that but it must be also on zero on the table position!!

I thought that is a bug and may be fixed in the latest version but I just found that it did not fix that!

It is very annoying as I am really used to use the tool position preview for different reasons

And it is very time consuming to make sure the a axis is always on zero position on both fixture and table position!!

Any ideas what is so wrong about that?!


Pages: 1