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Topics - amansour

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / soft limits don't respond
« on: August 15, 2016, 03:53:01 AM »
i am beginner in mach3 and not a native English speaker :-[
when i use "soft limits" and i move any axe manually, it didn't stop exactly at the point that i defined in mach3 parameters
sometimes it exceed the limits and sometimes it didn't reach it, and the big problem is that the value between when it stop and my limits is random for me and not expectable
my question is "can i control this value and how ?"
another problem is that sometimes some axes didn't even respond to the limit although soft limits it's active !!
i am sure that have done something wrong somewhere so please tell me if you have any solution to do . ???

General Mach Discussion / defining a scale coordinate for mach3
« on: August 10, 2016, 08:13:11 AM »
i am a beginner with mach3, i have just bought a CNC machine
when i move my x axis or any other axis with 1 in mach3 my CNC machine moves with 0.3 centimetr
i want to define a scale in mach3
i want to multiply the current scale by 3
i hope if somone can help me

Pages: 1