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Topics - zbig1989

Pages: 1
PoKeys / Touch probe wirring and connection
« on: July 26, 2016, 10:04:37 AM »

I am trying to connect touch probe to PoKeys CNC board. In manual it says that "external pull-up resistor must be used".
So I draw my idea how to connect the probe and my question to us is, is that correct ?

Image description:
5V - +5V from f.eg."Encoder connector"
Probe inuput - dedicated inputa in "Additional limit switches connector"
GND - ground

PoKeys / Problem with 0-10 V analog output VFD control
« on: July 19, 2016, 03:44:01 AM »

I have a strange problem with 0-10 V analog output ( pwm PIN 17 ) on PoKeys 57CNC board.
I configured X, Y, Z, - works fine, then I conneted to relay 1 and 2 direction signals to VFD ( I activated M3 and M4 function to switch output #1 and #2 and mapped this output in Pokeys plugin to Relay outputs. ) this also works good. Then   connect 0-10 V analog output ( pwm PIN 17 ) to VFD and configured in Pokeys plugin config pin 17 in PWM output. I mapped this pin as DRO 817.

Strange things happen when a move X axis. When I move X axis in "+ direction" voltage measured 0-10 V analog output increases, when I move X axis in "i direction" voltage measured 0-10 V analog output decreases.

Does anyone know where the problem might be?

Pages: 1