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Topics - Highspeed1964

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / ATTENTION: Chinese 6040Z Owners
« on: August 18, 2016, 07:57:25 PM »
I am gathering some info for a project I am considering.  First, some background...

There were what I would call some deficiencies in the model I received.  However, the unit that I received was a good starting point to build from.  I made some enhancements which I will outline below, but one of the enhancements required additional labeling on the panel.  I considered doing a silk-screen to print the labeling directly on the panel, but decided that would be too cumbersome, time consuming and expensive for what I wanted to do.  So I went on-line and found a better answer - custom vinyl labels.  However, I had to order by the sheet and the labels were small enough that I went ahead and put a number of sets (ended up at 12 when all was said and done) on one sheet.  So this got me to thinking - I wondered if there would be enough interest in the community to make it worthwhile putting together a "MOD Kit" with which others could retrofit their machine.  This would, of course, be for a small cost.

The mods would include the following features:

1.  G-code control of the spindle through Mach3 (or Mach4).  Both start/stop and spindle RPM would be able to be controlled this way.
2.  You would still be able to control the spindle with the VFD panel by way of "Mode Selection" switches.  (This is where I really needed the labels I mentioned.)
3.  E-stop would trigger an e-stop alert to Mach3 (mine didn't do this as it was configured from the factory).
4.  E-stop would no longer rely on cutting the power to turn off the motors.  As wired, cutting the power would have a delay since the power supply would take a couple of seconds or so to "bleed off" the power.
5.  E-stop would still control the VFD/Spindle regardless of panel/external control modes.
6.  Spindle water pump would operate under control of the VFD state instead of running continuously when the switch is on.  The system operator could still shut the pump off by operating the panel switch.
7.  Included would be a coolant system for the cutting tool/part.  Not quite a Flood Coolant system, but more than a Mist coolant system.
8.  This coolant system would be controlled by a new rocker switch that would be added onto the front panel with the PUMP/VFD switches.

The coolant system would require a 12VAC step down transformer and that is why I would need to know what the primary voltage of the systems are.  I could make the source voltage selection as an option, but would still need to get a feel for how many of each type to plan for.

The mod kit would include a new wiring harness, switches, plug (for the new coolant system), transformer, PWM to 10V control converter, the coolant system, instructions and a complete label set for properly marking all new switch groupings and the power plug for the coolant system.

So if there would be any interest in this, please leave additional comments.  I'd also be interested in seeing any pics of the internal components on your system so that I could get a feel for how many variations there may be and if it would be feasible to make a kit with a pre-made wiring harness.  Also, let me know if you have anything other than the NowForever VFD in your system as this mod kit would rely on some additional connections to the VFD to properly operate as well as some configuration changes through the control panel of the VFD.

I am just gathering info at this point so there is nothing concrete about having these kits available.  But I definitely would like to know if there would be any interest.

Let me know your thoughts.

MODS:  If this is not appropriate or should be in a different section of the forum, please feel free to remove or relocate this thread.  I just felt this would be the best place to get the most attention.


Stephen "Highspeed" Kruse

P.S.  If there is enough interest, I may put up some additional polls regarding potential options or other opinions as development progresses.

General Mach Discussion / Spindle FWD/REV Question
« on: August 11, 2016, 07:21:15 PM »
Hi everyone,

Working on some mods to my control box on a 6040Z (Chinese router style mill) and have a question or two for ya.  My mods started as a simple task of making the VFD controllable through software instead of the front panel controls.  Well, this turned into a bigger project where I can now switch between panel control and Mach3 control through a couple of front panel switches, one for speed and one for start/stop/program control.  I've also added a coolant system and put the components in the control box so that it is an all-in-one control center.

The question is:  can anyone tell me why you would want to run the spindle in reverse (i.e. M4 vs. M3)?  The reason I ask is that would add some complexity to how I'm wiring it all up and since I've configured Mach3 to run the same relay for M3 AND M4 it will only run in FWD as it is right now.  But if there's a significant reason I would want to run it in REV, then I'd need to modify the design (mod the mod, lol) to work for both directions.  I have an available relay on the BOB and indeed have previously had it wired in and working for ture FWD/REV control.  However, I never saw a need to run reverse so I removed that from the equation and this also made my external/panel switching simpler.  So again, is there a real need to run a spindle in reverse?  To me that just seems unnecessary and possibly even dangerous.

Let me know your thoughts,

Stephen "Highspeed" Kruse


So this is my first post in this forum and I am fairly new to CNC Milling and Mach 3.  However, I've gotten things running pretty well and am pleased with the results I am getting so far.

In addition, I am running the XHc HB04 pendant (MPG) and have an issue.  I have the Macro buttons (1, 2, 3, 6 and 7) set for the functions I want and they work well... after a workaround.  The issue is that when I first start Mach 3, the macro buttons do not function.  The work around is to go into the Config | Config Plugins menu and configure the XHc plugin.  I do not have to make any changes, I just need to go there and then click "OK" on the HB04 plugin screen and on the "Config Plugins" page.  At this point, everything then works well.

So the question is:  Is this a Mach 3 problem or a problem with the plugin itself?  If it is a problem with the plugin, is there any contact info for XHc that anyone is aware of that can help out?

Thanks in advance,

Stephen "Highspeed" Kruse

Pages: 1