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Topics - Juanelo1221

Pages: 1
PoKeys / MPG problem
« on: April 06, 2016, 02:06:34 AM »
Hi I'm working on a CNC mill with Pokeys 56U and  I want to make it work with an old MPG that has 4 terminals A,B,Ground and Positive. Now, I used the MPG manual and connected the terminals to Pokeys board in A=>Pin1, B=>Pin2 and made alll the configurations.
Now I can move the axis when I select the jog mode, but the problem starts when I change axis. When I chose the X axis and turn the handweel it moves correctly, but when I turn to Y axis (Alt A) it starts moving like 7in alone (without moving the handweel) and if I don't move the handweel and press Alt A again the Z axis moves too.

Do you have any ideas?

Thank you for your time.

Pages: 1