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Topics - cncmagic

Pages: 1
Mach4 General Discussion / MDI
« on: January 05, 2024, 09:36:29 PM »
ok.. this appears to be a weird one.. my MDI input works on the PROGRAM RUN tab but not thr DIAGNOSTICS tab.. everything appears enabled.. it lets me enter codes but does nothing when I click the Cycle Start(?).. any guesses?  ???

Mach4 General Discussion / Input Simulation
« on: December 20, 2023, 09:24:45 PM »
any method to simulate inputs past Input3? I've tried mapping the keyboard unsuccessfully.. code won't write to the input state (it seems)..any help or direction appreciated.. thanks, Bob :o
And Have a Great Holiday and a Happy New Year!!!

Mach4 General Discussion / Mach4 Closing
« on: August 26, 2023, 01:12:00 AM »
Ok.. the normal M66 wait for input is bound to cause some issues as it waits and then... woosh.. the machine will take off.. (yes, I know you can check for the timeout but that actually leads to more coding)..  any other machine I have seen, and nearly any device, plc, robot, etc. would never do this.. so I wrote my own m66.. I actually call it m166 to distinguish between the two and ran into the following issue.. I have a While do loop that waits for an input to go high (or low).. and it works fine with one exception... if its waiting and you close Mach4.. well it doesn't actually close.. I'd guess because its still looping and can't stop the thread... so it would be nice if I could do a check and see if M4 is still running, and if not Abort and close. Can't seem to locate any function to return the state of the application.. any suggestions? :o
thanks, Bob

Mach4 General Discussion / Editing Function
« on: August 22, 2023, 11:14:04 PM »
any way to modify the base coding on what the CycleStart() function will do? I'd like to have it check to make sure the axis' are homed prior to allowing a CycleStart and popup a messagebox indicating that they are not homed. The homing sequence is being done outside of Mach4 by a physical plc which activates an input being read by mach4.

If editing the call is not possible, how can I add a function that can be called by a button? available documentation does is not particularly an easy read. Any help pointing me in the appropriate direction appreciated.

and yes.. I seem to be able to muddle through LUA.. and I thought 'C' was bad..


General Mach Discussion / FEEDRATE
« on: February 09, 2016, 11:40:07 AM »
running MACH3.....occasionally have the following issues.....machine does not run at programmed feedrate......sometimes it defaults to 6ipm.....sometimes its 50% more than the programmed feedrate. FRO is 100% but works correctly against the incorrect feedrates. Any clues?  ???

Pages: 1