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Topics - istvan

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Mach3 or 4 interface with LabView or C#
« on: October 19, 2015, 08:10:40 AM »

I am trying to interface Mach 3 (or 4) with either LabView or C#.

a) I would like to read out x,y,z from Mach 3 via (into) C# or LabView. How can one do this?  
b) How to have a feedback from LabView or C# to Mach 3 to change its Feed Rate for example?

The reason for this is the fact that I have sensor info flowing in to C#/LabView that I would like to act upon, changing motor speeds. I also want to monitor movements outside Mach 3.

I have seen to possibility of having VS2008, macro pumps, brain or modbus --- but all these involve either in-Mach 3 processing or communicating to external PLCs. I only need a software interface to some external application/environment...  What is the best way to go?

Thanks a lot for your input! :)

Pages: 1