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Topics - Fred583

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Sticky Axis
« on: October 28, 2015, 11:46:10 PM »
I just re-installed my Mach3 system. All working fine, however when I cycle Mach3 it sets the X, Y and Z axes to zero, requiring recalibration.

In its previous incarnation the Z axis setting was sticky - whatever it was set to prior to Mach3 being cycled would survive.

Clearly I've not set something to allow Mach3 to "remember" the Z axis value. Problem is, what?

G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / Setting Z Floor
« on: October 06, 2015, 01:15:01 AM »
Is it possible to use Gcode to set a floor for the Z axis, below which it will not travel? A bit like a soft microswitch which sets the lower Z limit.

I want to stop the Z axis descending to where it could gouge the table.

General Mach Discussion / Should I Earth the CNC Machine?
« on: July 23, 2015, 04:49:11 PM »
This is probably a stupidly insane question, however should the CNC machine be strapped to earth?

General Mach Discussion / Problem Using Mach3
« on: July 16, 2015, 01:10:21 AM »
I have a 6040 and am using Mach3. I have a random/intermittent problem which I hope others might be able to help with.

Sometimes when I try to traverse using X/Y controls Mach3 hits estop, I have to reset and continue. This sometimes happens whilst executing reference all axes. However once set up I can run a long gcode job without issue. So strangely this seems to be an issue involving short duration motor feeds.

Seems a bit odd so I'm not sure where to start looking.

General Mach Discussion / Where are Mach3 settimgs held?
« on: May 23, 2015, 05:45:27 PM »
I'm curious to know where Mach3 stores configuration settings? Is there an INI file for holdn parameters such as those defined on the Ports and Pins dialog?

The reason for asking is that I've just been thru the pain of re-installing Mach3 on a replacement PC, and I had several hours heartache defining the configuration parameters. If these values were held in an INI file or similar then I could keep a backup handy just in case I ever have to install Mach3 on new hardware.

General Mach Discussion / Wrong Plug-In Installed
« on: May 23, 2015, 12:47:04 AM »
In my haste to get my Mach3 wuith USB smoothstepper working I managed to download/install the smoothstepper LAN version. Then when I started Mach3 it asked me to select the relevant driver. I chose that driver and clicked the 'don't ask me again' checkbox, and immediately realised the error of my ways when it prompted me for the IP address.

Having now installed the correct USB driver, Mach3 continues to pester me for the LAN configuration when I start up. I want to use the USB driver instead, but because I selected the 'do not pester me again' checkbox I don't get that choice.

How can I undo this situation?

Pages: 1