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Topics - robertspark

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Mach4 General Discussion / Mach4 bug (wizards) - v + 4300
« on: September 10, 2019, 06:51:12 AM »
The following seems to be a fairly common issue (bug) across a few wizards such as the FeedandSpeedWizard , or soft limits config etc

Lua: Syntax error during pre-compilation
C:\Mach4Hobby\Wizards\FeedandSpeedWizard.mcs: version mismatch in precompiled chunk

Lua: Syntax error during pre-compilation
C:\Mach4Hobby\Wizards\mcConfigSoftLimits.mcs: version mismatch in precompiled chunk

Mach4 General Discussion / Mach4 ( Feedrate ??? (wxLathe.set)
« on: August 12, 2019, 07:26:29 AM »
Any suggestion why the feedrate for ONE axis at rapid G0 would be higher than the maximum axis velocity set for the motors?

Both motors set at 1200 units / min

units set are mm in config.

Simple G0 X100 (or Y100) in the simulator

And the feedrate is listed as 1333.33

Mach4 ( Status Bar (wxLathe.set)

Any reason why G99 shows up twice on the current active status Bar??

When I change to G98, one of the G99's changes to G98, but the other remains at G99?

As per the title?

How does mach4 obtain the spindle speed?

Encoder feedback?

Single pulse per revolution trigger?


PoKeys / Mach4 + Pokeys Plugin + Compatible version
« on: July 15, 2018, 05:42:39 PM »
Ok, dopey question.....


PoKeys Mach4 plugin + manuals

The changelog within the plugin lists:
#define POKEYS_MACH4_VERSION      ""
#define COMPATIBLE_MACH4_BUILD      "0.3630"

Current Mach4 build is 0.3804...

A quick search of the NFS FTP server unfortunatly does not list 0.3630......


closest version seems to be:

which may be about to drop off the end of the list, given it dates from 13 Jan 2018

some Linux distributions run an "LTS" Long Term Support" version which allows for some stability in ever developing distributions....  Would be "nice" if NFS ran such a process..... it may allow for motion controller / plugin developers to base their plugins on an LTS release.

Unresolvable gripe over (NFS issue)

I noticed that there however was not a Mach4 "compatible release" download on the PoLabs site, which I thought there would have been..... given that is the tested / recommended release...... If I was intending to use this for commercial / production, I would have thought / expected that it would be available.

Bit more resolvable gripe with PoLabs (if NeoTO reads this maybe).

Ok..... question.... given the current Mach4 release is 0.3804, are there any issues using this version with PoLabs / Pokeys current plugin release?

Is anything broke between Mach4 current release and the current Pokeys plugin release? .... should I be using a specific Mach4 release that is considered PoKeys stable?

{kind of like with Mach3.... the recommended version with most motion controllers was 0.62, despite the last release (on the NFS site) being 0.66}

Thanks (I'll shoot an email to PoLabs too)

Not been following mach4 for a while and I'm about to start upgrading an old CNC lathe.

I was wondering from those of you using mach4 for turning, are there any deficiencies or issues at present?

Hoping to use it with a quadrature encoder for spindle sync.

Motion controller will be a pokeys 57e (have separate discussion in the pokeys section on that, trying not to cross post)

So this is more of a general question, what would lathe users think is missing (someone has recommended to me use a centroid acorn, but I don't have one and cannot see what it does mach4 will not or could not do)

Plus I have a mach4 hobby licence to hand and a pokeys 57e (and an ess, but don't go there!!)

PoKeys / Pokeys 57E + Mach4 + Lathe / Turning Application
« on: July 15, 2018, 06:49:38 AM »
Hello, not been around for quite a while.

I'm the new owner of an old cnc lathe and am looking to convert it to PC.

I've been looking at various options controller + software wise, and I remembered I had a Pokeys 57E languishing in a box {it was bought for PoBlocks use}

I'd like to put a spindle quadrature encoder I have to hand on the lathe to aide in spindle sync for threading applications.

I noticed that PoKeys seems to be able to now offer spindle sync + Mach4, and I have an unused Mach4 licence, I thought I'd drift back from the darkside of other cnc offerings that don't offer turning / lathe and see what was available with what I have (I've still got an ESS, but would like something which is functional now not aspirational  ::) )

The lathe is a Denford ORAC http://www.denfordata.com/downloads/forum/Orac-brochures-and-illustrated-parts-list.pdf

The plan is: simple 2 axis control using modern stepper drives (AM882H) a I've got a few on the shelf, http://www.leadshine.com/productdetail.aspx?type=products&category=stepper-products&producttype=stepper-drives&series=AM&model=AM882
Spindle control via modern VFD {IMO Jaguar Cub}, preferably via modbus, as that is also on the shelf, https://inverterdrive.com/group/AC-Inverter-Drives-230V/IMO-CUB5A-1/
Spindle sync via quadrature encoder, also on the shelf, 500 PPR, http://www.shop.cncdrive.com/index.php?productID=767
Inputs are likley to just be E-stop, axis combined Home + Limit switches

I don't plan on an ATC, as I'd like to use Multifix tool changers instead http://www.lathes.co.uk/multifix/

I am going to consider reusing the existing keypad, but that will probably via an ATMega32u4 as a keyboard emulator.

I guess the questions are:
1) will a pokeys 57E work with a quadrature spindle encoder at 500ppr direct drive, and a spindle running upto 2000rpm
2) is anyone runing Mach4 + Pokeys with a lathe / turning application?
3) are there any lathe or turning functions that are unavailable by using a pokeys?

Other alternatives considered are LinuxCNC + Centroid Acorn {I don't have an acorn, but do have a Mesa 7i76e}, acorn seems really expensive for hobby use.

As per the title, with regards to Mach4 and Lathe / Turning Applications.

For screwcutting / thread cutting applications does it use an encoder input for the spindle sync or a single pulse per revolution trigger?

Is it motion controller dependent?

(I have a UC300eth, UC400 and ESS)

Lathe programming guide is a bit old and not sure if things have been updated somewhere:

General Mach Discussion / M3 - pick up on a part for remachining
« on: June 21, 2016, 02:25:16 PM »

Is there a way to touch off and repickup on coordinates to remachine a part?

Let's say I have a square piece of stock, and my intended finished part (a flange) has a  number of holes in it, I have cut some of them, didn't finish the part,

I've since decided to rotate one set of mating bolt holes, re run the post processor (sheetcam), and now want to finish off my flange, how would I go about picking up the coordinates of the first set of holes, and rotating my machine coordinates to match those same bolt hole coordinates in the gcode.

Would I probe out the hole centres already machined then use trigonometry to work out the angle of my part, then probe out a hole and use that as my 0,0 coordinate, then rotate the machine coordinates accordingly?

Is there a routine or some other method.

Thanks for your time and any advice (besides start off with a new piece of stock...)

 M4 plugins.... is there any guidance about regarding writing plugins  (yup I have access to the SDK)

 .... life short.... projects many probably a task too much for me anyway....

just curious as there was a few tutorials and videos about for M3 plugins when VS2003 was the rage and then VS2008....

... more tinkering than new product on horizon

Thanks for anyone's time and guidance in advance


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