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Topics - Cbyrdtopper

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Mach4 General Discussion / Grinder with LR Mate 200iB
« on: May 16, 2023, 04:50:22 PM »
Pretty fun project!  We got a carbide insert grinder going and added a little Fanuc LR Mate 200iB to do the loading and unloading for us.
This is going to save a lot of time with automated loading and unloading!

Mach4 General Discussion / Save #VARS
« on: May 15, 2023, 10:47:56 AM »
Is there a way to save the #VARS like you can the tool table and fixture offsets?  mcToolSaveFile  mcFixtureSaveFile
Or even if I could save them in an external document, that would be fine too.  If Mach4 crashes or you drop the computer our of the electrical cabinet...........  it doesn't save the values in my #VARS.

Mach4 General Discussion / Rotary Axis Display
« on: March 21, 2023, 09:49:36 AM »
Is there a way to turn off the rotary axis display.  We are making a Carbide Knife Grinder that uses 2 rotary axis along with X and Z and it is messing up the toolpath display.
We are using the lathe screenset to work with the CAM we are using to output the code.  The display is extremely useful for following and finding code when we go to edit it.  We just want to turn off the skew that it makes when it applies a rotary move.

Mach4 General Discussion / Cannot Zero X Axis
« on: March 06, 2023, 03:08:38 PM »
I cannot zero my X Axis.
I'm using a lathe profile as my base profile and I've loaded in the wx6 screenset to make a custom knife grinding machine. 
I cannot get my X Axis to zero.  When I hit the X Zero button or type any number into the dro, it will not stay.  As soon as I start to jog the axis it will jump to some number close to what it was when I zeroed it out.  I've got a home switch on the axis; so when I do press X Zero (which would update my axis offset) it should put in the machine coordinate position as my offset.  It absolutely does not do that.  For example, my machine position reads -17.0 and my work offset is -3.4  That is really not right, even if it is a lathe and it was reading the diameter, it shouldn't be what it is.  I'm lost, and I've got to be able to set my offsets.  The only other time I have had this issue is when I tried to use a feedback glass scale on an OD grinder and I couldn't change my offset.  The same thing is happening here and I don't have any kind of feedback on this machine.

Mach4 General Discussion / IMTS 2022
« on: September 08, 2022, 04:58:45 PM »
Anyone going to IMTS 2022 next week?

Mach4 General Discussion / Start Mach4 in Screen Editor
« on: August 13, 2021, 10:39:03 AM »
I have messed up my PLC script bad enough that Mach4 won't open.  I can't remember how to open Mach4 in the editor mode.  Anyone remember how?

Tried to enable some PMC code and it really didn't like it... so now I can't open Mach4 even if restore a previous backup.

Mach4 General Discussion / Modbus communication status
« on: July 30, 2021, 03:45:47 PM »
I'm wanting to monitor the status of my Modbus connection. 
Under the Register Diagnostics my Modbus rc shows 2 when there has been a loss of communication -1 when it is stopped and 0 when it is running fine.

How can I check the status of the Modbus?
local ClickState = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, 'Click/rc');
local ClickRC = mc.mcRegGetValue (inst,"Click/rc")
I've tried both of these as well as variations of this and other API calls with no change.  It all returns 0. 

Am I using the right API or do I need to do something else or add something to this?

Mach4 General Discussion / Save tool table information.
« on: June 07, 2021, 12:10:40 PM »
So, I've got a mill that had some issues about freezing and closing Mach4 more often than I liked.  We got a new computer on it and that pretty much took care of the issues.
My biggest hassle when this happened was the tool table not saving when Mach4 closed unexpectedly.  I would have to re probe all of my tools again.
I was looking for a way to save my tool table information continuously in the PLC script ever so often and then automatically load in that information on startup.

I found this API call...mcToolSaveFile

If I ran this every time I set a tool offset, would this save my information and then load the new file on startup?

I don't get into LUA much anymore.  I have almost everything already written and I just transfer it all to new machines when we get them ready.

Mach4 General Discussion / Tool Length Offset Macro Program
« on: May 03, 2021, 09:32:04 AM »
I have seen A LOT of people asking about a tool length offset macro.
I made this Macro Program (G Code) for my tool length offsets. 

This is not a Macro in the sense of Mach4 Macros.  This is a Macro B Program.  It is G Code.

Put the 9001 and 9002 programs in the Subroutines folder in the Mach4 Directory.
Put two buttons on the screen to probe the tool length offset and to probe a rotating tool.  One or both, you do you.
Put the attached scripts into the appropriate button script.
This will probe the current tool that is active in Mach4. 

This Macro Program will set the tool offsets at a Machine Position.  So homing the Z Axis is a must for this to work well for you.
This will set every tool to the same position (your tool setter).  So you can (and need to) set your Z Work Offset with any tool that has been touched off.
You MUST have your Tool Height Offset active when you set your Z Work Offset. 
You MUST have your Tool Height Offset active when you set your Z Work Offset.
You MUST have your Tool Height Offset active when you set your Z Work Offset.

The rotating tool probe will use the diameter value in the tool table.  So be sure to put something in there if you intend to use that one. 
It will offset half of the diameter and rotate CCW and probe slow.  This is for tools tool large for the tool setter (exp:  Face Mills)

You will see variables inside the code that you will need to change for yourself.
Tool Setter X and Y positions. 
Feedrate for fast probe and slow probe.
Lift Height after fast probe.
Just be sure to adjust to your own needs. 

I also use G31 instead of G28 so I be sure you have something 0.000 in #5183 (I think it's #5183) so it will go to Z Home; or change it to G28, or take it out and make sure you put a safe Z in there first.

I am using Mach4 Hobby so I'm not able to do conditions in the Macro Program for safety checks. 
Check the macro manually first.  Get it set up, hit the probe button and press the tool setter manually and be sure everything works.
As always when using CNC Machines, be safe and diligent.   

Mach4 General Discussion / Lathe Profile Randomly Closes Mach4
« on: February 01, 2021, 10:59:54 AM »
We just put a lathe into production and the operator tells me that it keeps shutting down Mach4 in random places while running a program.  It will run for a few hours just fine and then just close Mach4.
This is the first time I've had this issue using Mach4 on either mill or lathe profiles.
Using version 4300 HiCON Integra. 
Maybe something in the PLC script that is causing an error but usually a dialog box lets me know if something isn't correct; with this problem it just immediately closes Mach4 with no warning. 

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