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Topics - kiark

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / tb6600 fried - what now?
« on: August 28, 2014, 02:25:19 PM »

i fried my chinese Tb6600 5a controller today... even after i reworked the cooling :/ i should not have bought that cheap stuff i guess! or is there a possibility to burn this down using false mach3 settings? wrong velocity or something?

im running a 4 axis (double Y) cnc mill and it would be nice to have a one-in-all controller solution which is solid and doesnt burn down again. im using 4 Nema23 Motors and already have a 36v power source.

Any recommendations would be really nice


General Mach Discussion / Nema23 velocity and acceleration
« on: August 15, 2014, 10:29:27 AM »

im a little new to mach3 but very happy about me buying it! im also a little new to cnc machines and plz forgive me for my newbie questions but i couldnt find anything about this somewhere.


im building a 3-axis eshapeoko with double Y axis. i can jog the machine just fine. Now i have the basic problem of tuning the motors.

im using this name23s:

 Form factor: NEMA23

Motor length: 51 mm

Motor weight: 560 g

Shaft diameter: 6.35 mm (0.25 inch)
Step angle: 0.9°
Rated current: 1.7 A
Rated voltage: 6.8 V
Phase resistance: 4 ohm
Phase inductance: 14 mH
Holding torque: 9000 g·cm (0.88 N·m, 125 oz·in)
Rotor inertia: 240 g·cm2
Detent torque: 260 g·cm
Wiring: bipolar (4-wire)

as im using 1/4 steps and have 400 per turn i set the steps per to 1600 for my x and y axis.
for my z axis im using an tr8 X 2 trapezoidal lead screw which means im making 2 mm per turn, so i set the axis to 800 (is this right?)

but now to my basic problem. i can adjust the the motors so they just sound fine with acceleration and velocity settings, but as i want to optimize my machine between a good accuracy and speed, what would be good settings for the motors stated above? i heard it has something to do with the oz-in but i just dont know what exactly.

hope u can help me,


Pages: 1