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Topics - JulitoGameplays

Pages: 1
Share Your GCode / Pattern Model
« on: July 31, 2014, 01:08:08 PM »
Hi, I'm student of CNC and have not yet bought a CNC machine, so ... could not cut the following G-code I've generated a pattern, take a picture and upload it please just wanna see how it looks

Greetings! :D

Share Your GCode / Model of Electric Guitar
« on: July 23, 2014, 07:03:04 PM »
hello just wanted to know if any of you have any model in dxf some type of electric guitar either a custom one for you or a model known as Les Paul, Stratocaster among others. appreciate your answers

Greetings!!!  :D

LazyCam (Beta) / No fully shows the g code
« on: July 16, 2014, 01:36:14 PM »
Hello such, I have a problem, I already bought Mach3 but my problem is that I keep doing my models in AutoCAD, then the step by step LazyCam and then the Mach3 but ... not completely load the code G and I wonder How is it possible to continue taking the limiting lines 25 if you buy the software? ??? appreciate your answers

Greetings!!! :D

LazyCam (Beta) / Merge Lines in LazyCam
« on: July 12, 2014, 02:19:08 PM »
Hi, I'm new to CNC and I'm just studying the CNC software but I have a question, I make my models in AutoCAD (and keep the extension. DXF course) and then passed it to LazyCam, but I wonder if you could merge lines not to exceed the limit lines in the demo version of mach3, then ... these lines may merge or there is another method to display all lines in mach3 aside from buying a license? I would greatly appreciate your answers

Greetings!  :D

Pages: 1