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Topics - jomac

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / PCB Milling advice and help
« on: October 02, 2013, 10:58:54 PM »
Im very new to the site, so apologies if ive posted in the wrong place. My small business has forced me down a route where i have to seriously look at milling my own PCB's.

Not only am i new to the world of CNC machines, im pretty new to working with PCB software... :(

However, im pretty quick to learn. Most of my first PCB's will come from commercial .GRB Gerber files, and i have some experience with EAGLE PCB software.

My basic questions are, Is there a simple program for turning a Gerber file directly into a format that Mach 3 can immediately work with? (Unless Mach 3 can handle these                       .                                files directly, and ive yet to learn how)
                                 Is there a better PCB program that is simple and easier to use then EAGLE?

Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.


General Mach Discussion / Bare Minimum PC Specs
« on: October 02, 2013, 05:15:29 PM »
I am an absolute Nube here with Mach 3 and with CNC's in general, forgive me if ive posted in the wrong place, i did a search for this question and found nothing.

Ive read that the minimum 'ideal' CPU speed to run Mach 3 is 1Ghz, but what are the problems and realities of running Mach 3 on a machine running at only 800Mhz? Even if its running absolute bare services in the background, and dedicated to the job.

I have a reason for the question, the PC i have is perfect size wise for the physical installation i had in mind.

Any comments would be welcome.

Pages: 1