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General Mach Discussion / Getting started help.
« on: July 28, 2013, 04:33:33 PM »
Hi guys, I really hope you can help me I'm in a bit of a daze getting started with Mach 3.  I gota dc-k40 laser a year or two back and upgraded to a light object dsp controller a few months ago. I wanted to give the old laser to my cousin who was really keen to get into lasering, but the original software and ahrdware conbo was horrible and actually stopped working altogether, so I stumbled on mach3.

I'm having a little trouble with it though. I'm sure its really easy if you know what you're doing, and once its sorted I know I'll be kicking myself.  I can't seem to get it to output any signals at all.  We've had the oscillator and a parallel cable checker connected and no matter what we do, there doesn't seem to be any output whatsoever. We've even tried it on another computer in case the port was dead, but no luck.

I'm just wondering if there's an idiots guide or something out there, or even an example setup cos I'm really tearing my hair out.

I know there's no profile for a laser, but I know at least two people who've been using mach3 very successfully for controlling the laser, never mind how well Tweekie's done with it.

I'd really like to get this going for him, I know he's champing at the bit to get started, I just can't figure it out. So any advice would be very warmly received.

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