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Topics - Jon m

Pages: 1
G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / multipass wizard
« on: April 01, 2013, 08:09:59 AM »
Hi all, so i've been toying with Mach3 for around a week now.

I'm trying to design an exhaust flange, so far i've managed to get it designed in photoshop, converted it to a DXF file, imported it into mach3 and converted it then added Z axis values manually.

as i'll be cuting it from 6MM i thought it'd be best to go over it 3 times in 2MM increments, i can manually do this but it comes out at over 3000 lines so i thought i'd use the multipass.

The problem i've come across is when i've cut one part out and it has a different reference to go to it doesn't simulate the Z axis going to 0, instead it stay's at 2MM and would effectively attempt to cut a 2MM gap on travelling, is there a code that can get around this?

Also is there a way for Mach to compensate for the width of the mill? i've worked out this would either have to be manually inputted or in the original drawing somewhere as obviously Mach wouldn't be capable of working out what side of the working line is the right one?

Thanks ;D

Pages: 1