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Topics - Large_time

Pages: 1
Im new to the CNC scene and I am still learning.... im not to up on all of the acronyms so keep that in mind as you read my post...

I have been using FlashCut version 1 on my plasma table and obviously was due for an upgrade, and after reading how great Mach 3 was I made the purchase.

So, I am now at the point where the program loads on to my computer and I can see the part being run in Mach 3 (on the display) and now I need to configure the ports.

So, I have the printer port and then another port... the printer port is bigger than the end of the cord coming out of the FlashCut box... (wow, this guys seems slow at this computer stuff Right?.... I warned you) Is there a connector I can buy to resolve this or can I use that other connector?

I have a lot of the paperwork from the FlashCut and it has pins and all kinds of stuff in it, I have been reading it and trying to understand it...

Here is a pic of my beast of a machine! and my last messing around project... (with FlashCut of course)

Thanks ahead of time for the replys... I will be back... IM SURE...

Pages: 1