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Topics - 1hxo

Pages: 1
PoKeys / Pokeys and a Thermistor
« on: February 24, 2015, 05:10:25 PM »
For my 3D Printer project i try to connect a 100k ohm thermistor to the analog input and have some problems with it.
My schematics is:
(+) ------100KohmThermistor-- |
(-) -------4,7KohmResistor--------|-------- Analog input Pokeys

Now i have add 4 DRO to my mach3 set:
1.The corrected value from pokeys analg input
2.The volt input that calculated from the first dro (A/1023*3.3)
3.The resistant that calculated from the second dro (4700*3,3/A-4700)
4.The Celsius value the calculated from the third dro (1/298.15+1/4267*Ln(A/100000) )
When i use this so he shows me the celsius value but it jumps between 1-1/12 celsius How can i stable it?
when i turn on my motorcontroller for my stepdrives then it jumps between 10 celsius.What must i shield to avoid this problem?
And for a finer resolution i need the three places behind the point.mach3 shows only in front of the point.Is it possible to show the corrected value with 3 places behind the point in mach3?

Or give it another solution for read temperatur from 50-300 celsius and map it to a mach3 dro? Maybe about Poblocks?
I would be happy about an idea for this problem.


PoKeys / Pokeys and a vfd
« on: December 09, 2013, 05:16:06 PM »
I´m need a little help with my pokeys and a vfd.
When i want to use the pwm output from my pokeys to the vfd do i need a pwm to voltage converter?
Or give it another solution for connecting this?
And when i want use the output of digital frequency from my vfd to display the right values What do i need for this feature?


General Mach Discussion / reference Script
« on: April 23, 2013, 04:53:23 PM »
I have a big Problem with the script for my reference script.
When i push the button ref all home my Z axes run to the switch,touch the switch and release the switch.The same for X and Y.
But when the axes touch the switch mach3 zero the machine coords DRO then my machine release the switch and the DRO goes on and stop at about +0,0400 to +0,0100 the Leds dont turn green.
It is possible to zero the machine coords DRO with a script like the work DRO?
When i use setoemdro(800,0) the work DRO will reset to zero
Somebody knows the Command for Zero the machine coords DRO?

My controll board is the Pokeys 56U
All switches are activate and they are function.
The only thing is i want to reset the Machine coords after a Ref All Home call

General Mach Discussion / inaccurately Jogging
« on: April 18, 2013, 08:58:16 PM »
I have build an cnc machine with the pokeys 56U.It works all fine on the first look.
Now i have a Problem when i jog my axes with keyboard or joystick the continue jog are work fine but when i reach the edge of whatever i must use the step jogging.
And there is my problem.When i zero my axes and then step jogging with cycle jog step 0,0100 the first move are go to 0,0094 the second goes to 0,0219 and so on.
At the fifth push im at 0,0500.
When i use cycle jog step 0,0010 then there move with 0,0031 steps.
When i use cycle jog step 0,0001 then mach3 do nothing.mach3 should go one up but he does nothing.
This phenomenon its on my cnc computer with aktiv machine and the same its on my home pc without machine.
I have different mach3 version testet all the same.And different Hardware and windows too
At this point where i gave my settings for my driver and motors in mach3 this problem beginns.
I tested whether it is on Pokeys plugin.without success.
Now on a fresh mach3 install without nothing only the settings in motortunnig for my motors the same problem.
is it possible with mach3 of positioning accurately with joystick or keyboard?
When i use cycle step 0,0100 why does mach3 0,0094?
Did i missing some setup?Have i oversee a adjustment?

PoKeys / Mach3 and pokeys Trouble
« on: March 28, 2013, 09:05:21 AM »

I have  problems with pokeys and mach3
When I connect Pokeys56U to my home pc(win 7 64bit) i can use my axes with the
Handcontrol.After i setup the right motortunning.
When i connect pokeys56U to my cnc Laptop(asus f3jm win xp 32bit) i can´t use my axes because the motors stutter like i was setup the motortunning wrong.
Why do the laptop such strange things?And can i do something again this?

And the other thing is when i make a circle the machine goes stutter to the position then when they make the circle they drive normal.
It looks then when i use the handcontrol and set the jogmode to step 0,001 and then i push the move button permanently.It´s stutters
for me it looks that they become the step and dir signal to slowly
Can i set the signal speed somewhere?

And when i make a homing mach3 dont zero my homing
When i click the ref all Home on They do nothing i must click Zero X then he drives my zero axes to home and dont zero.the same with Y
The button ref all home doesnt work i must click Zero X and Zero Y

I have several settings in mach3 behind me maybe i have overlook something

My machine:
Stepdriver are tb6560AHQ from Here:
all limit and home switches are installed and they function
Mach 3 Version R3.043.067

Pages: 1