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Topics - LGentry

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Gaining .0001 steps
« on: April 10, 2013, 02:13:51 AM »
I am gaining .0001 every time I move +X and -Z. If I move +X ten times my zero is off .001. Over the scope of my program X and Z get to far out.
I verified this by setting jog to .001 and slowly alternating X. After ten moves my zero is out .001.
-X and +Z do not gain the .0001 and work fine.

I am running Mach3, XP, Sherline lathe, Sherline stepper motors.
I have Sherline 1/2 pulse mode checked.
X axis step pin# is 3, Dir pin#2
Z axis step pin# is 7, Dir pin#6
Dir Low active and Step Low active are both checked
Step port and Dir Port are both at 1
Steps per is 16000, motor velocity is 37, acceleration is 3, step pulse is 2

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

VB and the development of wizards / Mach3 script editor bug?
« on: February 08, 2013, 09:40:43 AM »
I can't figure out why this is happening.
If I set BaseX = .020 it works fine.
If I set BaseX = .030 or higher it is a endless loop
Is this a bug in the mach3 vb? I have used VB5 and never seen anything like this.
I am using Demo Version R3.043.066

Dim BaseX As Double
BaseX = .030
Do While (BaseX > .000)

Print "Old BaseX = " & BaseX 
If BaseX = 0.001 Then BaseX = BaseX - .001
If BaseX = 0.002 Then BaseX = BaseX - .001
If BaseX = 0.01 Then BaseX = BaseX - .008
If BaseX > 0.01 Then BaseX = BaseX - .010
Print "new BaseX = " & BaseX

'Set BaseX = .020
'1st loop OldBaseX= 0.02, NewBaseX = 0.01
'2nd loop OldBaseX= 0.01, NewBaseX = 0.002
'3rd loop OldBaseX= 0.002, NewBaseX = 0.001     
'4th loop OldBaseX= 0, NewBaseX = 0
'Exits loop

'Set BaseX = .030
'1st loop OldBaseX= 0.03, NewBaseX = 0.02
'2nd loop OldBaseX= 0.02, NewBaseX = 0.01
'3rd loop OldBaseX= 0.01, NewBaseX = 0.01     
'4th loop OldBaseX= 0.01, NewBaseX = 0.01
'endless loop???

G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / Pass value from gcode to VB
« on: January 23, 2013, 01:07:04 AM »
I would like to pass a value from gcode to my macro m1234 and save it as a variable in VB.
In gcode
M1234 val1 val2

Dim val1, val2
Then fill the variables with the information.

Also passing variables from VB to gcode would be great as well.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Pages: 1