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Topics - Fincnc

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Help: 10x error in DRO and real movement....
« on: January 07, 2013, 02:16:39 PM »
Setup: Sherline 5410 (mm machine, 1 rev = 1mm) , G540 (10 microstepping), KL23H2100-35-4B motors (200 steps/rev)

When I installed Mach3 with G540 inst file I had 20000 in Motor tuning/Steps per. Problem is that my DRO shows +1.00 (mm) when I move +10 (mm). Othervise systems works fine.
On the other hand if I follow the instructions I should have 2000 in 'Steps per' becouse 200 x 10 x 1 = 2000. If I use 2000 then DRO is ok but mill is super (10x) slow.

I'm doing something silly, just don't know what. ???

Pages: 1