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Topics - Fred27

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Mach4 upgrade path
« on: March 06, 2013, 05:32:19 PM »
I work in software myself so I know how difficult questions about the next version are. I'm not going to ask for a likely date for Mach4 (although obviously that would be great). My problem at the moment is that I'm a hobby user and at the point where I can just about justify paying for the full version. What I don't want to do is pay for Mach3 just before Mach4 comes out and find I'm at a dead end. Also, being a geek I ALWAYS want the latest version even if I don't really need it.

No company wants to damage current sales with the prospect of a future version. What would be great is some assurance that a purchase of Mach3 today would get a free (or minimal cost) upgrade when Mach4 is out. Any chance of this?

Pages: 1