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Topics - Nato36

Pages: 1

  I recently purchased two Newmark ET-2000-11 slides and an NSC-G3 motion control box brand-new. Anyways, they say to use Galil Tools software. I need to be able to turn a simple 2D profile into X and Y CNC movements simultaneously so there's really no practical way that we can program them longhand line by line using that software. I see this plugin for Mach3 but I have no idea how or what to do after I load the software and the plugin. Also, the laptop is Ethernet so I don't know if that's an issue too?
  I'm basically starting from scratch.   
Any help or information would be greatly appreciated. BTW, I am fluent in G and M coded programming and have been in the CNC Applications field for over 17 years now.




  I recently purchased two Newmark slides with stepper motors and a 3 axis simultaneous motion controller (nsc-g3). I need to set this up via ETHERNET because the laptop doesn't have RS232. Does anyone know how to get this to work with Mach3? Do I still need to use the Galil tools software? ANY HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. BTW, I am fluent with CNC and G & M codes. I just have never actually built my own CNC machine before. We're playing around with making a simple 2-AXIS diamond wheel dresser.



Pages: 1