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Topics - polska

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Incomplete homing
« on: December 19, 2012, 04:59:13 PM »
Hi All,
Something went wrong after I upgraded to the latest version of Mach3 as suggested by the ESS (ethernet smoothstepper)people. The homing function never completes now, when clicking on the Reference all button only the Z axis does it properly and then the process stops. Before this the Z, Y and X in this order home with out any problems. I can home each axis individually, move with the keyboard but the ref all home option is not working. In the Diagnostics window there are no apparent issues, when pressed the switches light up the led's so I'm at loss. One thing to point out, after the update all of my settings were gone and I had to copy the macros from my backup to get it working again. Is that is the problem What my next step should be? Any suggestions are appreciated.


Feature Requests / Updated Plugins..
« on: November 26, 2012, 09:10:18 AM »

I would like to see updated plugins that are comparable with newest version of Mach3. The "Video WebCam Point Cloud Scanner" does not not start under Version R3.043.046 and the 3D Laser Scanner by Tom Hubin work only partially. Either/or of those updated/upgraded plugins would be much appreciated!..  ;) :)

Video P*r*o*b*i*n*g / 3D Video Probe not supported?
« on: November 23, 2012, 10:20:43 AM »
Hi All,

 I haven't been able to find an answer to my problem anywhere so I'm posting here hoping somebody will be able to help.  I downloaded and successfully installed the 3DdVideo plugin in to the plugin directory, In configuration/Config Plugins is activated and when the "Plugin Control" button is clicked.. both, the "3Dvideo Probe and Video window is seen. But, it does not matter which button is pushed .. nothing is happening. Read somewhere, by moving the plugin file to working directory my help.. NOT!  Out of curiosity I downloaded and installed another plugin by Tom  Hubin(God Bless His Soul.) And it works , I can see what the the camera see. The OS is win xp pro with all the latest and greatest upgrades... Any ideas/solutions? All suggestions are welcomed. Thanks.


Mach Screens / Would like to revive the coil winder screen
« on: March 28, 2012, 01:06:06 PM »
Hi All,

I'm new to this forum although not new to Mach program. I do own diy cnc 3 axis router with a 4Th drive(A). Would like pursue my other hobby which requires coils of various sizes. Hence the idea, since I have 4Th axis why not use it as the spindle to wind coils along the Xor Y axis. In the download screenset area I have found nicely designed screen the buttons operate my 4Th axis and the X axis as well, but.. it will not accept any input other than directional axis movement (arrows). It says incomplete.
The question I have, what it would take to finish it? Can VB script get it going? Can amateur like me with coaching can make useable? ;) Thanks.

Best Regards..


Pages: 1