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General Mach Discussion / where to start ?
« on: February 16, 2012, 05:51:16 PM »
Hello Folks.....well I joined this group 'cause I need to learn to do some CNC engraving ( lines & text)  in brass.  I want to use a Zenbot 16 X 24 router as the hardware and Zenbot recommends Mach 3 software.

 So.....where to start ?  It seems totally overwhelming.  Like.....do I use Mach3 to draw the project ? If not, then what program to use ?  I've been playing with Autocad a bit but find it  pretty daunting.  I'm sure there is easier software to use for simple engraving.
  I don't want to be writing code or diagnosing code. Even if I had the ability !  I want an easy to use and RELIABLE system that can do a bit of engraving.
 But, as I said,  can someone suggest a "drawing " program to get this project started ?

  Looking forward to opening the door on this ! !

  cheers and regards:



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