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Topics - momechanik

Pages: 1
PoKeys / Problem with pot and feed rate override
« on: September 26, 2012, 06:44:48 AM »

I'm using a pot for feed override at pin 45. With the new plugin (Pokeys.dll 946176Bytes, 11.8.2012) the FRO display (DRO 821: Feedrate Override FRO) is only flickering from zero to the set value. If i choose another DRO, e.g. DRO 818: Feedrate, it works absolutely fine. I have tried it at 2 different computers with the same result.
With a formerly plugin(10.6.4), it also works good, but of course i want to use the new comfortable plugin.

My Mach3 Version is  ..66 and also Pokeys Beta v3.0.39 is installed.

Many thanks for Your help

PoKeys / New plugin and analog inputs
« on: April 11, 2012, 09:51:56 AM »
I have a PoKeys56U with 2 potentiometers attached at analog pins 44 and 45. With the new plugin the pots do not work any more with mach3. How can I tell Mach (and the plugin) that this is an analog input? Up to now I used brains to do this, but there is also no reaction visible in the brain control in Mach3 when the new plugin is in use. With 10.6.4 it works properly. My PoKeys version is 3.0.28.

Has anyone an idea?

Pages: 1