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Topics - swarf_rat

Pages: 1
Idea would be to use USB or Grex connected MPGs for each axis (or at least x-y) placed on the machine in ergonomically intuitive places. It looks like the setup allows 3 MPGs, but I don't see how to assign a particular one to a paritcular axis.

Mach3 and G-Rex / Grex operation with Enet - Pulser required?
« on: February 25, 2007, 02:29:27 PM »
After reading all the documentation I can find, I remain confused:

Is the Mach Pulser driver still required, if you are using a Grex over Enet?

Is the USB connection to the Grex required of Mach for operation, or just initial firmware download and setup?

How critical is the interrupt latency as reported by the Pulser testing program, when using Grex over Enet?

I realize the Grex/Mach connection is a work in progress, but these are architectural questions that surely must have answers by this time. I note that the Mach demo program does not behave itself completely without the driver installed. But it seems like with Grex doing most of the time critical motion control, Mach just needs to service it every so often.

With a Grex or Galil motion control running over Enet, is the parallel port needed at all? Is the parallel port driver needed at all? I ask because I have a bizarre wish to run on a computer with no parallel port. It looks like these motion control cards have everything that would be needed and probably overall a better way to connect stuff.

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