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Topics - Paul4865

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Mach 3 Blue screen probing
« on: December 29, 2012, 03:40:22 PM »
Posted problem in probing did not get a anything back.
I have loaded the Mach blue screen probing, the feed rate defaults to 4 units per min this is too slow, I have looked at the VB script but this is not driven from the script, it is looking at feed rate DRO (818) when I change it on the settings screen it does not retain the value of the DRO the script is coded to retrieve from.
 Where should I enter the feed rate to lock it down. Everwhere I have tried to enter it then run the macro it still goes back to 4.
Any help would be good or any tips to fix it and get it working, it is beating me up.

Video P*r*o*b*i*n*g / Mach 3 Probing
« on: December 28, 2012, 09:24:52 AM »
Hello all and a merry Christmas to you, during the holidays I had decided to install the Mach 3 Blue screen probing to help me ref the machine more accurately, this has all gone well. my question is how do I change the speed the axis moves while it is searching for the contact plate, it defaults on my machine to 4, which with my gearing is past the time allowed to find the contact, just need a steer on where this speed is driven from.
thanks in advance.

General Mach Discussion / 4th axis advice (Idiot proof please)
« on: July 23, 2012, 07:06:39 AM »
Dear all,
Just completed the construction of my 4Th axis. I am looking for best practices for set up in Mach 3, I have built this because I saw a candle stick that was hollow and twisted and wanted to try and make one but I do not have any idea how to set it up. I could do with the infant version on how to set up the steps for a rotative axis and what tick boxes I need to fill in, I am aware that the radius of the work will determine how the axis moves but I do not know what drives this. I use solidworks to create all of the dwg data that I import into a hobby version of Bobcad to post out to the machine, had allot of fun making my own gears and chassis for the axis but now I am stuck and need to lean on your greater knowledge, I have read some posts on 4Th axis and it seems to be a problem for everyone.
any guidance or advice would be appreciated.
Thanks, Paul

General Mach Discussion / Mill homing
« on: June 20, 2012, 12:29:42 PM »
Is there a tick box or something similar which will make Mach 3 remember where it is from PC shutdown to restart? every time I start it Mach 3 comes to life with a completely random set of coordinates and I have to find the origin of my work every time and re zero everything.
 Eventually I will invest the time in a set of home limits but at the moment I am much too busy playing with the mill.
Mach 3 does give me a message on closing to save the fixture which I accept but this does not remember where I am, any advice would be usefull.

General Mach Discussion / Mach 3 Stopped working
« on: June 12, 2012, 05:46:54 PM »
sorry posted this in the wrong place, earlier. try again. :-[
My problem: started Mach 3 screen came up as normal, mouse or keyboard did not work, had to restart machine with reset, started Mach 3 again got blank screen with just the ribbon at the top showing, ribbon works but no DRO has anyone seen this before? please tell me its reload Mach and smile? is the machine failing I do get a flicker as windows boots?
any help would be good, I don't know how long I can survive without my toy.
many thanks in advance.

FAQs / Mach 3 stopped working
« on: June 12, 2012, 05:20:24 PM »
I stated the machine and cracked up my mach 3, first time got the screen up but the mouse didn't work, had to reboot with reset, started Mach 3 again and got the ribbon at the top you know file edit view bla bla, but screen blank, all the ribbon works but no DRO showing or nowt, any steer would be good, do I need to reinstall Mach, is the PC failing any clue would be good.
many thanks in advance,
Regards Paul

Pages: 1