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Topics - Helicopterjohn

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / USB MACH3 Pendant
« on: November 09, 2011, 06:26:21 AM »

I am currently using an XBOX360 controller for my pendant but recently saw a You Tube review and associated E-Bay Listing and wondered if anyone else has used one.  I would be interested in any feedback either positive or negative.

Thanks in advance for your valued input.


Mach3 USB Pendant


E-Bay Listing


I am currently updating my Shopbot PRT will all new electronics.

I wish to add a second Parallel Port Card to my Windows computer running XP (via a PCI Slot).

I would like to know if anyone here has installed such a card with success and what brand, make, model and vendor source they used to purchase it.  Associated cost would be nice if known.




I recently purchased a used Shopbot PRT 48 X 96 CNC Router.  The previous owner had modified the unit to work with Mach 3 software.  It had Gekco 202 geckodrive step motor drives.   They were a little noisy, especially when running at lower speeds.  It originally had a CNC4PC breakout board which successfully operated the Shopbot.

I cut a lot of plastics and had the need to reduce the spindle RPM in cutting this material.  Being new to the DYI concept of CNC tools I did quite a bit of research on possible retrofits to bring new life back to this machine on various forums on the internet.

I decided to install a Super PID Speed control kit on the router with a minimum RPM of 5000 and still have good torque for cutting.  I also decided to remove the current Shopbot control and make my own DYI control.  The only remaining electronic items left were a couple of proximity switches and the Stepper motors.

I also installed the 2010 Screen Set for my Mach 3 software that is feature rich in that it allows you to do semiautomatic tool changes, probing etc.

Yesterday a friend in Florida helped me assemble and wire up all the electronic components.   I couldn't have done this without his help.  I used a PMDX-126 Multi-Mode Breakout Board, 2 each PMDX-133 Motherboards for mounting the new Gekco 203V geckodrive step motor drives, and a PMDX-107 isolated speed control which interfaced with the Super PID Speed controller.  This allows me to have spindle RPM control via GCode that is run in the Mach 3 software.  Using the 2 each PMDX-133 motherboards will allow me to use up to 6 drives.  I also have 2 parallel ports one in the main CPU of my PC and also an add-on parallel port card in case I need any additional inputs etc. in the future.  I hope to add a 4th axis sometime in the future.

I now have to install the components in a cabinet that my brother made for me and install appropriate cooling fans for the electronics.

The Shopbot now runs like a dream.  QUIET and SMOOTH.  The total cost for the retrofit was around $1500.00.  All new electronics except for the stepper motors and a proximity switches.


General Mach Discussion / XBOX 360 PLUGIN Reset Button
« on: May 26, 2011, 10:56:38 AM »

I purchased a used XBOX360 Controller that plugs into my USB Port.  I downloaded the associated plugin here at the ArtSoft website.

It is a wonderful addon and works as planned except for one thing.

Is there anyway to get the XBOX360 Controller to RESET the Mach3 Control (with the Auto Limit Override function activated) with a configured button i.e. X when a limit switch is triggered?

If I reach and activate a limit switch I can't use the assigned button i.e. X on the XBOX Controller to RESET the Mach3 Control.  If I use the button on the Mach3 Screen I am able to RESET the limit switch.  I have the Auto Limit Override function activated.

Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated?

Thanks in advance for help.


General Mach Discussion / Auto Tool Zero Help
« on: April 21, 2011, 06:54:54 AM »

I have done several searches and read the associated topics on setting up Auto Tool Zero.

I purchased a used Shopbot router recently.  The proximity switches on the X & Y axis and the E Stop button were disconnected.  Thanks to the help received here on the forum I now have those issues behind me.  The I can now home the machine as advertised and the E Stop button is working correctly.

What I am working on now is the Auto Tool Zero.  The Auto Tool Zero plate was also disconnected.  I talked with Art at CNC4PC and he pointed out in the C10 Breakout board where the schematic for the Auto Tool Zero was in the manual.  I have wired the Auto Tool Zero Plate per his instructions and made the associated test of touching the Auto Tool Zero Plate to the tool that has the alligator clip attached.  When I do this the DITIGIZE button lights up on the Diagnostics page as it should.

I THINK????? I am ready to place a script in the Program Run screen (Tool Information/Auto Tool Zero Button).  I understand the process is to go to the Operator/Edit Button Script menu option and select the Blinking Auto Tool Zero button and clear any information that may be currently located in the script dialog box and replace it with a suitable script for the Auto Tool Zero Function.  I would like to put a script in there that does the (2) step touch off process, one first at regular speed and then the secondary touchoff and a slower speed at a minimum retract in height.

1:     Does anyone have a script that would perform that operation that they would share we me?

2:     Is there anything that I am missing that I should do prior to pasting the required script into the Auto Tool Zero Button and try this out?

3:     Do I need to first set up a tool in the library i.e. Tool #1 and give it a diameter?  It is my understanding that the Macro Script would fill in the Tool Height in the tool table after the Auto Tool Zero is performed????

4:     Pror to running the Auto Tool Zero Macro Do I have to select the tool number i.e. Tool #1 that I want to Tool Zero prior to runining the Macro Script?

Just trying to understand the process.

Note:  While I have all the proximity switch and home switches hooked up and operational on the X & Y Axis, I don't currently have an (upward i.e. positive limit/home switch) on the Z Axis.  Can the script for Auto Tool Zero run without having the Z Axis limit/home siwtch installed and operational?

Thanks in advance for any help/input you guys can offer.


General Mach Discussion / Growling Y AXIS Motor
« on: April 17, 2011, 06:48:37 PM »

I am in the process of setting up MACH3 on a Shopbot PRT 48 X 96 Router.

Got all my proximity, E-Stop, homing working thanks to the help I received here.

I have also tuned the motors and set the steps per inch on all the motors.  I have the motion control set to constant velocity.  The A Axis is Slaved to the X Axis.

I am running Gekco 202 drivers.  The motor on the X,Z & A Drives run about 85 degrees F and the motor on the Y Axis runs abou 105 degrees F.

The motors on the X,Y & A Axis are Vexta A6497-9412KTG     0.5/Step
The motor on the Z Axis is a Vexta PK296A@A-SQ7-2            0.25/Step

When I try and run some GCODE the router growls LOUDLY when it is trying to make a move that requires a combination of X & Y like an ARC.
I had a spare Vexta A6497-9412KTG so I replaced the motor on the Y Axis and the growl is still there.

I have a spare Gekco 202 and wonder if the Y Axis driver might be the problem.

There might be a problem in the configuration so I have attached my XML file for your review.

Any help that you guys might be able to offer would be appreciated.



General Mach Discussion / Shopbot with Mach3 homing issues
« on: April 16, 2011, 05:51:48 AM »

I have tried looking through the posts on Homing and haven't found anything so far that I believe relates to my problem.   I am new to Mach3 so it is probably something obvious to the expert user.

My first issue as it pertains to proximity switches and Emergency Stop button and getting them hooked up on my new to me shopbot PRT has been resolved.  I only have proximity switches hooked up on the X and Y Axis, none yet on the Z axis.  The proximity switches currently are the normally open type but will be converted to the normally closed in the near future.

I am able to run parts on the machine and also jog around the table and hit (the return to zero button) and the X Y & Z controls will home to that position i.e. G54 with ease and run smoothly without any growling.

My issue is when I push (the reference all home button) on the Program Run Screen the Y axis starts to move in the desired direction toward home but growls instead of moving smoothly.  When it gets to the Zero position and the X axis starts to move it throws the carriage off the X track.  I am slaving the A Axis to the X axis.  I have tried multiple configurations of the soft limits, reverse settings on the A axis etc. etc. but have not hit the right combination.  I have also checked the box in the general settings for home slaving with Master Axis in the general configurations dialog box.

Also, my router table has approximately 48" in the Y Axis, approximatley 96" in the X axis and approximately 6" in the Z axis.  As mentioned above I am slaving the A Axis to the X Axis.
Any help on sorting this issue out would be appreciated.  I have attached my current XML file.  Please look at my Motor Home/Soft Limits settings and let me know when I went wrong.  Try not to laugh to hard when you look at it. ;D

General Mach Discussion / Shopbot with Mach3 Proxmity switch hookup
« on: April 10, 2011, 01:29:22 PM »

I have just purchased a Shopbot CNC router that was setup to run on Mach3 in lieu of the Shopbot operating software.  The previous owner disconnected all the homing and limit switches on the machine when he converted it to Mach3.

I have watched the videos on the Mach3 support on limit switches, homing etc.

If I hook up couple of wires to one of the inputs of the CNC4PC C-10 Breakout board it works as one would expect (i.e. normally open or normally closed) getting the desired lights on the Mach3 diagnostics screen.  However, if I hook up the Proxmity switches that came with the Shopbot router the LED on the Proxmity switch lights up when the switch comes with the designated gap of the proxmity plate but does not send a signal to the control to disable the axis movement.  My assumption??? is that being the LED light on the Proxmity switch comes on they are working correctly.  Maybe, they need a different activation voltage etc.????

Any of you guys out their with converted Shopbots that may have already encountered this issue and found the solution.

Also, my pulse frequency on the diagnostics page is reading around 45K instead of 25K.  Any ideas on how to correct this?  I ran the Driver test and got an excellent report but got a message saying that the pluse rate was too fast.

The machine is running but just wanted to fix this issue.

Any help would be appreciated.



General Mach Discussion / Any Mach3 users near Tampa, Florida
« on: March 28, 2011, 08:09:34 AM »

Hope I am posting this in the right place.  I live in Seffner, Florida and hope to pick up a ShopBot router this weekend that is currently running Mach3 software.  If anyone is located near Tampa, Florida and would be willing to share infomation on Mach3 I would appreciate it.  This is my first experience with Mach 3 so I am sure I will need some help along the way.

Thanks in advance for anyone that may be able to lend a hand.


General Mach Discussion / Newbie
« on: March 27, 2011, 09:12:37 PM »

My name is John and I live in Seffner, Florida.  I have been retired for about 10 years and got into the CNC world about 5 years ago.  I build and fly both R/C Helicopters and airplanes.  I also make some tools and others items as it pertains to the R/C Hobby.

I currently have a HAAS TM-1P Toolroom Mill and use OneCNC for the CAD/CAM side of things. 

I am in the process of purchasing a ShopBot PRT 48 X 96 CNC Router.  The owner is using Mach3 Software to run the machine.  I am sure I will need help as time goes on.

Anyone on the forum live nearby that is running Mach 3 software that would be willing to share information as it pertains to Mach3?

I am supposed to pick up the router this weekend and get a little training from the owner.  I will keep you guys posted on my progress.

Thanks in advance for any help you guys can offer.


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