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Topics - cvk31

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Y-Axis Sticking
« on: March 27, 2011, 10:06:49 PM »
Hello All,

I purchased a Taig Mill about a year ago from a great guy back east that had it set up and running parts.
When I received it it came with all kinds of useful info as well as his Mach3 setup.xml so I plugged her in and was starting to make some parts when my computer took the worst kind of a ********* on me.  It took me a little while to get it rebuilt which included a new motherboard.  Work has been so busy the whole setup has sat in the shop for about the last eight months.
Needless to say getting it fired up again after all this time is like doing it for the first time.  I have Mach3 with the custom setup file and everything seems to be back to square one except a for a weird issue with my Y stepper.  Again,  I had the whole setup working before the PC rebuild so I'm a little stumped.
When I jog the Y axis the stepper makes noise like it is trying to go but it doesn't move.  If I tap the jog over and over it will take off at the correct speed and seems to operate normally, sometimes it'll even let me reverse direction.  I switched the leads from the controller to the steppers and the problem is repeated in the x axis and y works fine so I am pretty sure by process of elimination that this isn't a problem with the stepper.  I am using Keling KL23H276-30-BB steppers.
I do not know how to test this but the sound the stepper makes when it is " jammed up "  sounds like it isn't getting enough power.
If I hold down the arrow key to jog it and give the wheel on the stepper a little twist it will usually take off too.
Any help would be greatly appreciated...

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