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Topics - nitecreate

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / SIGNALS REALLY MIXED UP??? Please help
« on: August 23, 2011, 08:29:23 PM »
??? ??? ??? Like so many others I'm a real novice with CNC.  I've built a 3 axes router (David Steel's plans).  Started off with some pretty cheap Chinese electronic and after fighting with them for a few months I purchased a G540 Geckodrive.  Well it's been working great for a number of months and then all of a sudden it was like something took over my Mach 3??  What's driving me nuts is the fact that mainly with the Z and Y drive. X drive works just great.   The signal sent to the stepper motors ( Z & Y) is very erratic.  Whether I'm in Jog or running in MDI when you have it go ( + pos) sometimes it will do that and others it goes (- neg).  The next time it will work great and then once again it's like it gets struck in any one direction - or + what ever way it wants to go???  In fact if you use the mouse in jog mode, pressing the button on the mouse will change directions?? The same with MDI. You call out one direction and it a lot of time will go just the opposite. The the next time it work just fine?? 

I've changed motors, I sent the Geckodrive back and had it check out.  It came back "A"OK.  I can't help but think it's nothing more than set up?  What I need to know is what controls the direction of the motors.  Possibly I've got something switched wrong.???? I use the CNC router for 100% volunteer work in the community and being the fact that it's not working is a real bummer.  Frustrated and really confused. Dennis 

General Mach Discussion / Bad BOB???
« on: February 17, 2011, 07:42:52 PM »
 ???   First of all I'm a real beginner in building a CNC.  I built a Router, which was a real blast.  Problem being that I think I purchased a real inexpensive break out board.  Toshiba  board.
I'm having a fit trying to figure out the problem with my Y axis. The other 2 axis cooperate rather well.   At any motor setting or speed, the Y wants to stall out for only a millisecond now and then?  Which pretty much messes up my projects.  I've checked all the wiring, changed stepper motors, and no change.  I've even switched axis.  And in doing so my problem is with the axis that I've changed to. So to me this pretty much tells me the problem is with the board???  In looking into purchasing a new board, I'm really confused as to what to look at or look for?  I don't mind spending money on a quality product, on the other hand I don't want to break the bank (I'm retired) and this is suppose to be a hobby.  Anyway, any suggestions on a new board or possibly might be the problem if not the board.  I would be really appreciate input. Please keep it simple. 

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