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Topics - artemonster

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Bunch of a questions
« on: August 10, 2010, 05:46:18 AM »
Hello everyone,

recenly i have made my system and now want to clarify some problems, that have occured.
Please sorry, if theese questions already were answered(i have searched in forum, but couldn't find any answers)

1)Serial output wont work. I've enabled Event Driven Serial Control under Ports&Pins, Configured Baudrate at GeneralConfig.
So i have serial data sniffer, and if i send commands with Serial Monitor(that one under Function Cfg's menu) its all ok- sniffer shows all data, that was sent.
But i need to send commands from a macro. like M666.m1s contains:
SendSerial("EMON") - and this doesnt work. also tried  Call SendSerial("EMON") - doesn't work also.
Any ideas?

2) Limit switches. So i have 3 switches for every axis(2 of them) 2 limit and 1 homing.
So when limit switch is triggered, Mach3 comes in ESTOP mode, and disables all command execution, so i cant even turn off windings, to manually adjust position of my XY-Table. Do i need some kind of external switch\button, that will disable my limitsensors? Wiring is simple: every switch(hall effect sensor with open collector) is directly connected trough a pull-down resistor to the LPT input.
And also homing problem: Mach3 makes homing per software, and doesn't look at home sensors (just till X and Y coordinates per software will be zeros)
So i need that he will make homing, until homing switches are triggered.


Pages: 1