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Topics - civilseal

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Mach4 General Discussion / Mapp input to output?
« on: May 31, 2021, 08:34:46 AM »
Whats the easiest way to mapp an input to an output?
For example when Input1 is set the I would like Output8 to also be set.

General Mach Discussion / Read working coordinates in macro
« on: May 23, 2017, 08:49:27 AM »
When using GetOemDro(802) it could be a disaster if the user has pressed the machine coord button as it then read the the machine coordinates instead of the working coordinates.
I could of course check if the button is pressed and abort but is there an other way to read only the working coordinates?

General Mach Discussion / Spindle orientation with Mach3 Need help
« on: February 04, 2016, 11:40:12 AM »
I´m retrofitting an old CNC-machine for wood with a bunch of spindles on a big vertical wheel of which each spindle has a different combination of cams and switches so that it can find the right spindle.
So, I wonder if its possible to do this in Mach3, for the programming its not a problem but can Mach3 time it reliable? (with the Ethernet smoothstepper)
I have tried before to stop a spindle when hitting an inductive switch but it was stopped sometimes directly and sometime it took a second or two from the switch was triggered until Mach3 turned it off so that did not work very well.
Has anyone managed this or do I need a PLC to make it work?
Would Mach4 work better than Mach3 for this?


How can I control where to write in a file?
For example if I do this:
Dim X As Double
  Open "C:\Mach3\myfile\myFile.txt" For Output As #1
  X = GetDRO(0)
  Y = GetDRO(1)
  Z = GetDRO(2)
  Print #1, X
  Print #1, Y
  Print #1, Z
  Close #1

But then maybe I just want to write the value of the Y axis and have the other ones intact, or if I want to add more and more values after the others, how can I control where in the file the value is written?

G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / THC on off problem
« on: August 26, 2015, 05:00:26 PM »
I´m having very much problem with turning the THC on in a gcode.
Included are the macros I use for turning the THC on and off and the file which I test the function with.
By them self the macros work fine, and if I delete the M101 in the gcode file it also work fine,
but when I run it as it is now it turns the THC on and then the Torch, and then nothing happens?? until I hit stop and the run again, then it continues, its like there is something wrong with the macro that I have to abort with the stop button.

I have also tried to move the M101 after M3 and then it hangs after M101.
There is no problem with klicking the THC button when the program is running.

I have been trying different approaches now for two hours and are supposed to have this ready for a customer on the morrow (in Sweden that is) so if anyone could help me it would be much appriciated.

M101 macro:

Rem THC On
If GetOEMLED(24) = FALSE Then
End If

M102 Macro:

Rem THC Off
If GetOEMLED(24) = TRUE Then
End If

N0010 (Filename: Plasmatest1.tap)
N0020 (Post processor: Mach3 plasma.scpost)
N0030 (Date: 26/08/2015)
N0040 G21 (Units: Metric)
N0050 G53 G90 G91.1 G40
N0060 F1
N0070 S500
N0080 (Part: Drawing1)
N0090 (Operation: Inside Offset, A new layer, T1: Plasma, 6 mm kerf)
N0100 M06 T1 F2000.0  (Plasma, 6 mm kerf)
N0110 G00 Z20.0000
N0120 X449.6106 Y299.8261
N0130 Z5.0000
N0140 M101
N0150 M03
N0160 G02 X456.7401 Y305.4020 I6.3527 J-0.7768 F2000.0
N0170 G01 X461.7031 Y304.7951
N0180 X426.0583 Y13.2934
N0190 X13.1060 Y56.9178
N0200 X24.7354 Y358.2275
N0210 X456.7401 Y305.4020
N0220 G02 X455.6415 Y296.4179 I-5.0413 J-3.9427
N0230 M102
N0240 M05
N0250 G00 Z20.0000
N0260 M05 M30

Screen designer tips and tutorials / Enable jog on screen?
« on: August 14, 2015, 02:50:23 AM »
I´m customizing the first page in Mach3 and have removed all that I think is not necessary and not I´m not able to jog with the keyboard on this page anymore.
What is enabling the keyboard jog on the different pages?

General Mach Discussion / Disable spindle button
« on: May 09, 2014, 06:59:45 AM »
I would like to have a button that disable the spindle when I use an engraving pin instead of the spindle but I cant figure out how to do it.
I tried to add a button to turn off the spindle after the program is started but that does not seem to work, and I would like to be able to click it before the program starts so that its not started at all.
Or if this is possible to do already in VCarve in some setting that I haven´t found yet?

Regards / Johan

General Mach Discussion / Semi manual lathe
« on: July 13, 2013, 01:57:11 AM »
I would like to make a control panel that makes a lathe work almost like a manual lathe,
for example, I would like an encoder hand wheel that works more like the manual handles of a machine than it does now, I want one rev to always do a certain amount of movement for example 5mm per turn which velocity mode does not, and I want it to be more smooth than the step mode.

I also would also like to control the axis by a button or a joystick with fixed positions to move the axis and be able to control the jog speed dynamicaly with a potentiometer.
When jogging with a button its not possible as I can see to change the speed under a move, I have to stop moving and start again which would cause uggly marks on the piece I would be turning.
I have made it work with using pokeys and a joystick with fixed positions and then a potentiometer to control the jog speed and it works quite well, exept that the pokeys seem to be pretty unstable, sometimes when I start Mach3 and reset an axis start moving and doesnt stop until I have pushed the joystick back and forth and sometimes it has lost communication with the board and an axis has started to move and doesnt stop until I pushed the E-stop. Also it seem to be impossible to turn of the joystick which I would like to.

Any suggestions?

General Mach Discussion / Problem with homing and limit switches?
« on: August 26, 2012, 07:42:30 AM »
I use my limitswitch as a home switch and I need to home off from the switches a few mm as to not trip them accidentally.
I have two problem with this:

1: If I set the softlimits to 2mm, I always have to turn them off when Mach3 starts because the machine is out of limits (x0y0z0) and then turn them on after, which is easy to forget.

2: Even if the Z axis is set to home off to -2mm, is doesnt, it only sets the dro to 2mm and if I jog it upwards it trips the switch at -1.9mm, so for this axis I have to set the soflimits a few mm down and then jog there after I reference the axis?

General Mach Discussion / EdgeCAM and Mach3 error
« on: May 30, 2012, 11:58:56 AM »
I´m trying to get EdgeCAM to work with mach3 but I get the error "Radius to end of arc differs from radius to startline 27"
I have read that I should set EdgeCAM to absolute IJ mode and have done that with no result.

The code look like this to line 30:

N1 G21 G90
N2 T4 M6
N3 S24000 M3
N4 G0 X99.288 Y146.965
N5 Z5.0
N6 G1 X100.069 Y157.937 Z-6.0 F1500
N7 G3 X100.075 Y158.091 I98.076 J158.091
N8 X98.076 Y160.089 I98.076 J158.091
N9 X96.078 Y158.091 I98.076 J158.091
N10 X98.029 Y156.094 I98.076 J158.091
N11 G1 X98.115 Y156.092
N12 X98.165
N13 G3 X101.662 Y159.589 I98.165 J159.589
N14 X98.352 Y163.082 I98.165 J159.589
N15 X98.076 Y163.089 I98.076 J158.091
N16 X93.078 Y158.091 I98.076 J158.091
N17 X97.722 Y153.106 I98.076 J158.091
N18 X98.095 Y153.093 I98.095 J158.481
N19 G1 X98.168
N20 G3 X104.649 Y159.59 I98.152 J159.59
N21 X98.392 Y166.083 I98.152 J159.59
N22 X98.076 Y166.089 I98.076 J158.091
N23 X90.078 Y158.091 I98.076 J158.091
N24 X98.076 Y150.093 I98.076 J158.091
N25 G1 X98.14
N26 X98.316 Y150.096
N27 G3 X107.636 Y159.591 I98.139 J159.591
N28 X98.337 Y169.086 I98.139 J159.591
N29 G1 X98.076 Y169.09
N30 G3 X87.078 Y158.091 I98.076 J158.091

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