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Topics - Wasteofspace

Pages: 1
FAQs / DRO not accepting inout
« on: February 13, 2019, 10:30:44 PM »
I recently had a catastrophic failure of the HDD while running the CNC.

It is years since I originally set the machine up and I have not needed to change any settings since then.

However, the XLS file was also lost and I have had to start from scratch again.

I have got almost everything running again, but  I now have a problem with which I am unfamiliar. The DROs refuse to accept any revisionist input from me.

I click on the DRO, I enter the number I want to see there and then press enter. The DRO just goes back to whatever was there before.

I have gone through all the settings I can think of, but the DROs still won't accept my input.

Does anybody have any idea what I may have changed/not changed?

I am running Windows 7 with the memory mod and the latest Mach3

Newfangled Solutions Mach3 Wizards / Wizards to make dovetail joints
« on: October 09, 2012, 12:57:20 AM »
I sent an email to Scott Nichols of Newfangled Solutions asking if he had or intended to have a wizard for cutting dovetails.
He replied that at present they don't have anything like that, but if I were to put a request here and see if anybody else was interested in it then he would consider it.

It would be really nice to have a wizard that would automatically space the dovetails and write the code for you. It would save a lot of time and I myself would certainly then purchase a licensed copy of the NFW.

May I therefore urge all you woodworkers to ask Scott to make this wizard and save all our collective sanitys

Bob Willson

Pages: 1