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Topics - bartk

Pages: 1
G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / Cutter Compensation
« on: January 23, 2007, 09:13:06 AM »
I am trying to do cutter compensation on a fairly simple shape, but Mach 3 complains about the end radius of the arc not matching the start radius.
The GCode below works fine if I remove the G41. Any suggestions?

G41 P0.09
N1 G00 X0. Y0. Z0.1
N2 X1.7 Y1.5
N3 G01 Z-0.375 F15.
N4 G02 Y1.25 I0. J-0.125 F20.
N5 G01 X1.2
N6 G03 X1.075 Y1.125 I0. J-0.125
N7 G01 Y0.875
N8 G03 X1.2 Y0.75 I0.125 J0.
N9 G01 X1.7
N10 G02 Y0.5 I0. J-0.125
N11 G01 X1.1211
N12 G03 X1.0327 Y0.4634 I0. J-0.125
N13 G01 X0.7479 Y0.1785
N14 G02 X0.5711 Y0.3553 I-0.0884 J0.0884
N15 G01 X0.7518 Y0.536
N16 G03 X0.825 Y0.7128 I-0.1768 J0.1768
N17 G01 Y1.2872
N18 G03 X0.7518 Y1.464 I-0.25 J0.
N19 G01 X0.5711 Y1.6447
N20 G02 X0.7479 Y1.8215 I0.0884 J0.0884
N21 G01 X1.0327 Y1.5366
N22 G03 X1.1211 Y1.5 I0.0884 J0.0884
N23 G01 X1.7
N24 G00 Z0.1

Pages: 1